Homestuck: The Webcomic

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Oh. My. God.

I absolutely love it!!! It's so perfect!!

That picture up there? Yeah, it's my home screen-saver.

My Mom gets frustrated with me when I talk about it. I mostly talk about the Strider brothers.

I ship Dirk with English. (Only Homestuck fans will understand.)

For those of you who don't know, please, by all means, look it up!!

I am trying to get my Mom to get me the cosplay. (I'll post the pictures to that as well, in the next chapters to come.)

But yes, I will ambit I am a huge fan of it.

I have no regrets.

I'm all Strider, yo.

(Markiplier voice activate.) Well, that was it. I will see you, in the next chapter. Bye-bye!

-Markiplier's warfstache pops up.-

(I will be posting the pictures in the chapters to come.)

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