Chapter 3

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Becky's POV
It was only about a 5-10 minutes drive from Charlotte's house so we made it there in no time. We parked in the beach parking lot, and may I just say it was loaded with motorcycles, bikes, rovers, and different types of cars. We hopped out of the car and headed to find some beach chairs. Once we set everything up, we headed up to our schools reserved tent. I saw a lot of teachers and some kids I knew and some I didn't. Finn and Seth went surfing. Roman went to go watch them surf. Charlotte went to go mingle, which doesn't surprise me. She has always been the most social one out of the whole group. Bayley went to tag along with Charlotte cause she said she wanted to learn how to be more "social", which I don't understand cause she has a good group of friends and talks to a fair amount of people. But hey! If she wants to learn how to me more social, then she can have at it. Meanwhile, Sasha and I were just talking to some of our other associates. About 30 minutes later our whole group met up by the food stand to get food, drinks and to hangout with each other.

"Hey Becks, give me one of your fries." Charlotte demanded. "No." I simply said.

"Becks, May I please have a fry?" Sasha ASKED politely. "Yes you may." I replied giving her a fry. "Thank you." She told me. I then turn to Charlotte with an offended and shocked look on her face.

"How come she gets one?!" Charlotte asked in disbelief. "Because she asked nicely, unlike you." I replied. Charlotte stuck out her tongue out at me and I just chuckled.

The boys were talking about all the sports they were gonna do and all the clubs they wanted to sign up for.

"I was thinking about doing football this year." I heard Roman say. "Me too." I heard Finn say.

"Ayo Seth what about you? What do you want to do this year?" I asked him. "Um?" I don't know yet. What about you guys?" He replied.

"I want to join the cheer squad." Charlotte said proudly. "I want to join the track and dance team." Sasha told everyone. "I'll join the dance team too." I said.

"What about you Bayley? What do you want to do?" Finn asked her. "Maybe I'll be the team manager for the cheer squad. I would also really love to join band." Bayley spoke up.

No ones POV

After about 10 minutes the group decided to head to the dance floor. Finn doesn't really dance so him and Seth and Roman just watched the girls dance.

Becky's POV
Sasha, Bayley, Charlotte and I headed out onto the dance floor. That's when "We fell in love in October" by Girl in Red started playing.

Smoking cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view

That's when I turned my head to see Bayley and Charlotte swaying to the music.

We fell in love in October
That's why I love fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from a far

I turned around to see Sasha dancing and smiling. Which made me smile.

My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my world
My world, my world, my world
You will be my girl

That's when I grabbed Sasha's hand and started to dance with her. She just laughed... I love that laugh.

Smoking cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view
Don't bother looking looking down
We're not going that way
At least I know I'm here to say

At this point Sasha and I were swaying to the music, as I looked into her Beautiful brown eyes and smiled.

We fell in love in October
That's why I love fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from a far

I spun her around and we both giggled.

My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my world
My world, my world, my world
You will be my girl

Once the song was over we laughed and walked over to the rest of the group.

"You guys wanna go for a swim?" Charlotte asked the group. "Nah, I'm just gonna sit in the sand and watch." I quickly replied. "Oh...well, What about the rest of you guys?" "Sure." They all replied.

They made there way into the the crashing waves while I sat in the sand.

I was in my own little world until I felt someone sit next to me. I turned around and it was Seth.

He then looked at me and asked,"Why don't you want to get in the water?" "I just don't feel like it." I lied. "But you love playing in the waves and swimming." He said. All I did was shrug my shoulders. He was right though. I loved the beach and to go play in the waves, but after what happened last summer I refuse to go anywhere near that water. It just brings back painful memories.

After about 5 minutes Seth spoke up,"Oh and by the way, I saw the way you were looking at her." Seth stated. "Looking at who?" I asked acting like I didn't know who he was talking about. Which I did of course. "Sasha obviously." He said in an obvious tone. "What do you mean? I wasn't looking at her any type of way." I say obviously lying. "Yea Right." He said with a role of his eyes.

(Time to when they are about to leave the beach)

The time now was 9:30 and a lot of people left since we had school tomorrow. My friends and I headed home because our parents told us to be back before 10.

We all hopped into Seth's car and dropped Bayley off to her house. Then we stopped at Roman's House to drop him off, Charlotte's house, and last but not least Seth dropped Sasha, Finn, and I off in front of our houses, since we lived next door to each other.

We all started walking to our respective front doors. Until I spoke up.

"Goodnight Sash!" I yelled from my front porch.

"Goodnight, guys!" She yelled back unlocking her door. I just stared at her until she entered her house, then I entered mine.

That's the end of this Chapter sooooooooo... don't forget to vote and tell me what y'all think.
Until next time...

xoxo Camille 😘

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