19 ~ Quality Time

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So it has been a while since I've written anything on marvel. I did post something before this chapter where I asked for ideas because I am struggling with ideas so if you still want to give me ideas I will be more than happy to. I will credit you for anything you suggest.

So I have got ideas from two people. The first person is Torm12 who suggested for Loki to try some foods and more cuteness that you will have to read on for to know what foods they suggested.

The second person is KimberlyHazel8 who suggested more on character development and to address Loki's PTSD and the relationship between Tony and Loki. I know you told me not to credit you but I did anyway.

Also, I have decided I will probably write 1000 words per chapter which are 1000 less than my other fanfics but I would prefer to write less because I struggle so badly with plot for this book. I make this book up on the spot whereas I kinda have a plot with the others but also Lady Loki which I will try and write again soon but I go through phases of what I want to write and what I don't want to write and all I want to write at the moment is Heathers because I've become a musical theatre nerd :)

Tony's p.o.v

Today we are hopefully going to have a chill day. I get up out of bed and shower and get ready for the day while Loki is still asleep. I feel a lot better than yesterday. I get dressed, brush my teeth and walk back out to hear Loki crying. "Oh baby, I'm here" I rush over to his side and pick him up. He looked up at me with a tired face. I rock him and bring him up to the kitchen. "What's for breakfast this morning then?" I open the fridge and that's when Loki stops fussing. I chuckle "You're hungry then." I look through the fridge at all the different types of baby foods. "Which one do you want?" I pick out a few and he picked out apple sauce. "Good choice!" I close the fridge and grab a bowel and emptied the packet out into the bowel. I put Loki down on the counter and grab the tray from the high chair and start cutting up fruits. Loki was getting excited as he watched me cut up some bananas, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. He got a little too worked up and started screaming with joy, "Shh Loki it's early!" I pass him a special baby biscuit that Nat got. I pick the ecstatic baby and put him in the highchair. "You are so cute." I tickle him while putting the tray on the highchair and grab a baby spoon "Oooh Look! Loki is getting big food!" He giggles more at me as I put his bib on.

I turn my back to make myself some coffee and I see Thor just watching me and Loki on the opposite end of the kitchen. "Umm hello, Thor." I make coffee and put some bread into the toaster. "You really love my brother don't you?" I look over at Loki, he was eating with a large toothless grin and my heart melted. I nod, butter my toast and sit next to him. "D-d-da-dada." Loki giggles and tries to grab my arm. I could not feel happier in my life. I look over to Thor where he also has a huge grin on his face. "Well done little brother." he grabs another chair and sits with us. 

I teach Thor how to feed Loki and Loki was loving all the attention. "You are so messy!" I pick him up and he is covered in fruits and baby food. "I think we should clean you up and get you dressed." Thor cleaned up after me and Loki while I bath him. Loki hates taking baths so he was wailing the whole time. I bundle him up into a towel and he immediately brightens up. I dress Loki in a green bodysuit with some blue shorts "You look so cool!" I bring him over to the mirror. He looks in the mirror and tries to touch it. I laugh "Don't touch it, it will get dirty!" I throw him up in the air and catch him earning a hysteric scream with laughter. "What are we going to do today?" I wander back up the stairs where everyone else is and Loki grins more when seeing everyone. 

"I think we should have a movie day." I glare at Steve at even suggesting it, "So that's a no." Thor ponders and blurts out "We can have one of those things where you cook meat outside?" I look down at Loki and play with his baby toys "That would be good." I look at everyone else who just nodded their heads. "Let's go outside then, I will be back." I walk into the direction of Loki's room "Where are you going?" Nat calls to me "I need to put sun lotion on Loki and get him a hat. I don't want him to burn." 

I meet everyone up on the balcony where Thor and Steve were cooking on the barbeque. "Wow, Loki you look cool." Nat tickles Loki and he bursts into uncontrollable laughter. "Maybe we should make him try something new" Nat gets up and returns with some lemon, chocolate and some ice cream. "We should record this." Bruce gets his phone out and starts recording. Nat puts some lemon in his mouth, at the start he didn't react until he made a sour face and starts shaking his head. I laugh "Do you not like lemon then Loki?" He looks up at me and shakes his head. "What about some ice cream?" She shovels some ice cream into his mouth and he got all excited again and tried to grab the ice cream pot. "Here have some chocolate." She puts a tiny piece into his mouth and he looks up at me with a joyful face. "You like that then?" He nods and buries his face into my t-shirt. "Awwh have you gone all shy?" I laugh and rub his back.

When the food was finished cooking I got Loki's high chair from inside and put some ice cream in the bowel for him and we all start eating. I look away for a moment to get some more food "Oh my god Loki!" I rush over as fast as I could to see what was going on. Loki was turning blue, his eyes turning from blue/green to a deep red. "Loki!" I rush to his side and pick him up into my arms and feel his ice-cold body made me shiver. "Thor, what's going on?" I look at him desperately. "Loki is turning into a frost giant, he has always been a frost giant. You know that he's adopted!" Thor watched. I look up to see a clone of Loki. "He's getting his powers back." Bruce sits down next to me trying to stay calm. Bursts of energy fly everywhere and me and Bruce look at each other. "We need to get him into a safe place, you have loads of empty rooms right?" I nod "Take him into one of those. I will try and figure out how to control it." I rush down into a room and sit with Loki not knowing what is going to happen.

Yess I can finally go to sleep. Wrote this within two/three hours and I'm so impressed with myself. I'm also shattered because its now almost 4 am so Im going to sleep now. running off 5 hours sleep which is bad. 

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