Ch 1

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    I sat in the dark backroom for a long moment after I ran from the hospital, just sobbing with Emily comforting me because there were no tears she could shead to join me. I felt bad for Emily, she’s feeling all these painful emotions and doesn't have much ways to relieve said pain. I sincerely wish she could have met Adrien before this weird coma.

    After I get everything off my chest and the library closes, I really should go back to check on Adrien. I left him alone in that weird, new, yet fairly familiar environment. It’s the same hospital that everyone knows and goes to. Adrien however, now has to go through the hospital invisible and alone. From spending a lot of time with ghosts, I’ve learned that the shock of dying and having your mind and spirit separate from your physical body, can force amnesia on the spirit for the first while.

No one is sure how long the loss of memory lasts, it differs between ghosts. It can last somewhere between a day and forever.

“Marinette?” Emily whispers gently.


“The library is about to close.”

“Thank you, I’ll visit again.”

“I know.” We exchanged wary smiles, my face felt weird with the tears dried all over them.

“See you later mom.” I wave before pausing. “Wait, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”

“No, please, I’d love you to call me mom if that's alright.”

“Okay, thanks mom.” we both parted just a bit happier that day.

I made it to the bus on time and rode it to the hospital. I gazed out the window, my mind blank. I just admired the scenery of the city. The lights all around me glittered and shone on passer byers.

My heart panged a bit thinking of Adrien and how it was all my fault he’s in the hospital. I was so stupid to even think that I could make friends, as if anyone would want to be friends with me. I’m sure Adrien was just pitying me when he invited me. I’m so much of a weirdo that even Nino decided not to come even though it was his idea. A small tear found its way down my cheek. As hurt as I am, I’m still going to do my best to help everyone.

What will I tell my parents about coming home late? They won’t believe me on the ghosts, but I’ve gotta try.

I was sitting so deep in thought, I almost forgot to get off at my stop.

“Wait!” I called as the doors started closing. The bus driver, surprised, reopened the doors for me to get out. “Thank you so much.” I smiled hopping off the bus.

The sliding doors opened for me and I entered the hospital and stared right at the translucent Adrien Agreste trying to get a reaction from people in the waiting room.

“Hello? Can you tell me where I am? Sir! Do you know who I am by chance? Um mandem? Could you explain by chance what’s happening and how I got her?” I ran around before running over to me. “Hello, do I know you? Can you help me?” I gave a slight nod and motioned for him to follow me. “Wait! You can see me?!”

“Yes!” I whispered harshly. He followed me without question after that. I received a few odd looks at that however. I lead him to the unisex bathroom. I locked the door behind us.

“I’m so sorry” I sighed. “This feels awkward, but hopefully you’ll get your memory soon, but first of all, I need to tell you this: You’re in a coma and slowly dying, that's why you’re, well, like this.” I wave my hand up and down at him.

“What happened, who am I?"

“Well, your name is Adrien Agreste, and you saved my life, you pushed me out of the way before the ice collapsed under me.” I chewed my lip nervose, “You fell in instead, we were skating because-”

“Because Nino offered before ending up being busy and it ended up being just the two of us.” Adrien finished.

“You're remembering?”

“Yep, this is great!”

“P-pardon me?!”

“Well it means that you aren't crazy! You were right!”

“What the heck?! I knew it! You thought that I was crazy, your just like everyone else! You know why your friends were ‘busy’?” I partly screamed. “It’s because I’m so much of a freak in their eyes that they'd rather be bored at home or ditch a friend than be seen even being near me!” I wiped the tears away as they started running down my cheeks. “And the pathetic part is that I’m still wanting to help the people who’ve hurt me, I’m coming here, to the place I hate the most because of all the deceased people floating around here. And because I can see them, that makes it easier for them to possess my body to try and get revenge or say goodbye. They’ve never succeeded for long, but I’m not sure you understand how unnerving it is to see a dead dude walk into your body then you blackout for a moment and wake up part way out the door to go get revenge!”
I rubbed my eyes of tears, drawing shaky breaths. “Sorry.”

“No, no, it’s okay, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Come, I don’t think you want to stay here staring at your lifeless body, you can stay with me while we figure this out.” I squeezed the bridge of my nose. We left and called a taxi.

We entered, Adrien had a hard time wondering if he’ll go through the car and be left. I managed to convince him it was alright. In the car I cleaned my glasses on my shirt. When I cry, my glasses always fog up a bit and then I end up with unexplained fingerprints all over them, it’s annoying to say the least.

“Marinette?” Adrien asked. I pulled out my phone.


“Gees, I’m sorry, please don’t ignore me.”

“I’m sorry if it seemed as if I was ignoring you, I just feel weird having a phone call in a car.” I look straight at Adrien, trying to send him a message with my eyes. “Can I call you back?”

“But, you're not on a call? Are you still mad at me?”

“Yes I’m still mad at you for insulting me, but that’s not why I’m going to hang up. Are you really that dense? I’m literally telling you my reason.”

“Oh!” I saw his eyes widen in realization. “I’m sorry, I never got the chance to interact much and am a bit bad at reading cues.”

“I figured, now I’ll call you back once I get home. Good bye.” I ‘hang up’ and continue cleaning my glasses.

“Your boyfriend miss?” the driver asked, trying to make small talk.

“No, he’s just a friend.”

“Oh, did he hurt you that bad?”

I looked at Adrien and he seemed to also want to know the answer. “He- he did,” Adrien’s face fell. “But,” He looked up, curious. “I know he has a good heart, he saved my life and went out of his way to stand up for me to his childhood friend and in the short time I’ve known him, he’s been going out of his way to make sure that I felt included. He did manage to sprinkle salt on an already open wound which is constantly being reopened, but he’s still been fairly kind to me so I’ll give him a chance.” I smiled at Adrien who was practically beaming.

“He sounds like a keeper.” I blushed deeply.


We sat in silence for the rest of the drive.

“Well, here's your stop miss.” He nodded. I paid and exited the car. I pretended to check that I had everything so Adrien could get out. Even though he can go through things, it’s much more comfortable not.

“Good bye, thank you.” I closed the door and walked Adrien to the door. We entered and he made it to the living room but there was a barrier he hit when he tried to follow me to my bedroom.

“I don’t really know what that was, I’ve seen something similar with Alya and Emily, but it meant they couldn’t leave. Either way, I’m glad it's here, you're not entering my room, got it?”

“Sorry, I forgot I was following you, I’ll just hang here. Good night” I nodded and headed up stairs. I changed into pajamas. I had a hard time falling asleep knowing that a ghost was down stairs. I did manage to finally get some rest just after midnight once I decided to talk to Nino the next day and try and get him to help.

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