Ch 11

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My heart was racing as I stepped over my balcony’s railing and grasped onto the rain pipe, or whatever it’s called, along the side of the building my bag with my book, knife, and bandages swinging, not helping my balance at all. If I fell, I would most assuredly break something. I looked down assessing how far I had to climb. I felt around for anything to put my foot in. I held tight to both the pipe and balcony and I found something my shoes gripped onto. I started to climb down, slipping ever so often and having a heart attack.

“You can do this.” I mudder over and over to myself. Once I felt braver I let myself slide the rest of the way down. A chill ran down my spine as I felt like I was falling which is really what I was doing. The hairs on my arms stood on edge, freezing.

I assessed my clothing choices, I was wearing my pajamas, I really should have changed into something more practical for sneaking out but I could have been wearing worse. They were fuzzy pajama bottoms which were okay, but I wore a short sleeved top and my bare arms were anything but happy about being exposed in the cold weather.

My feet somehow could move while the rest of my body was screaming that this was stupid and I really shouldn’t of done this, it was one of my dunes ideas but I’ve already committed. I gripped my bag straps and carried on.

I found the school and saw that Nino and Adrien arrived early. Nino seemed to have had the same idea as me and was leaning against the wall in his turtle pajamas with a flashlight, studying while Adrien helped him. Nino looked up from the book, trying to avoid studying it and caught sight of me.

He raised his hand waving me over. “Hey dudette!” he whispered before clearing his throat and saying it so I could hear it better.

“Is it time to go in?” Adrien asked.

I shook my head. “Chloe should be comeing too, let's wait a bit, we’re all early.” We stood there for a few more minutes, trying to think up something to say to break the silence.

Chloe soon rounded the corner and started jogging to the door when she saw us.

“Hey, so if I kept you waiting.”

“It’s alright, now it’s time to get in.” I assessed the door. I pulled on the handle and it opened easily. I feel like the school needs to reassess their security system. We made our way in Alya waiting for us in the middle of the room.

I wasn’t sure about the others but I had butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. My hands shook as I pulled out the book as we made our way to where her body laid. It was even harder to see down the great now that it was night. Nino flicked his flashlight on.

“Okay, me and Adrien will go down and try to get Alya’s body.” Nino aimed the light at posts leading down into the depths where her body was. “If anything happens to me, Adrien can go tell you guys.”

“Great, Chloe and Alya will stay with me. I’ll start on the ritual and if anything happens, Chloe, you have your phone right?”

“Of course.” she brandished it for us to see.

“Great, then you will have it ready incase we need help.” she nodded and I opened up the book, flipping through the pages and reading them by the faint glow emitted by Alya. Chloe reluctantly helped Nino lift the grate up and stood back as he started to climb down, Adrien by his side.

I pulled out my knife, it reflected Alya’s glow and looked shimmery in the light. I sliced a part of my upper arm and immediately wrapped it up in a bandage wincing a bit. I did it fast enough that it would start hurting in a moment but it was too much shock at the moment to feel the pain yet.

“You said it wouldn’t hurt you!” Alya scolded. I ignored her and copied the rune from the picture. I needed more blood because it was a more complex rune and I needed it to be big enough to fit a human body.

I leaned back when I was finished, waiting for the boys. It was a few minutes before I saw them come back up. I was exhausted so Chloe helped Nino by pulling Alya’s body out. Alya looked away, seeming uncomfortable at the sight. I directed them on where to place her body and I explained to her that I needed her to possess her body during the spell.

“Do you three mind leaving? Just so you don’t end up being affected in any way?” I asked, they nodded and disappeared outside leaving me and Alya by ourselves. I felt a small chill run down my spine, it’s weird being alone in a school at night with a dead body and their ghost. My eyes widened when I remembered I forgot to grab a part of the flower.

I eyed the now closed grate wearly before I checked her hair where a petal was caught. I breathed a sigh of relief and showed it to Alya.

“Once you're alive, to help you heal and adjust, you need to have this on you at all times, I’m unsure of how long, you just need to have it.” I slipped it into her pocket.

“I will.” she nodded.

I took a deep breath in and started to perform the spell. The runes lit up and I could see Alya fighting the pull of the magic in panic. The experience must have been terrifying and I so wanted to calm her down and work through it with her. As I chanted I tried to give her a reassuring look, she seemed to get the massage and started relaxing and letting the magic pull her into her body.

She sunk into her physical form and her body started to glow along with the runes.

I felt fatigued, I forgot to rest before coming here because I was so anxious. I felt my body being depleted of energy, My eyelids grew heavy and I fought to keep them wide open.

It was a moment before I saw Alyas chest start to rise as she took her first, shuddering breath, after a long time.

In exhaustion I finished the ritual and there was a blinding light that flashed before being absorbed into my being. Alya stood up on weak legs and made it outside the circle before collapsing. I cleaned up the rune with my magic as the others rushed in to see if we were all right.

My arms and legs were quivering, using all their strength to keep me upright as my vision faded to black.

The last thing I saw was Chloe rushing over and wrapping her coat around my arms.

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