The Meeting

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Indras POV

Indra was on her way back to Tondc to make sure they were prepared for a attack that could happen from Azgeda with a few soldiers when she saw the Waverider fall out of the sky. She sent two of the men back to Polis to warn the council and Heda if she was still alive. Indra and the three other men she was with rode to were the Waverider crashed and saw the crater that the waverider was but didn't see the ship. "You three stay here and watch this area"  Indra ordered the men and they nodded going into the trees and hid watching the area. She rode back to Polis muttering "Great more skia people to deal with". When she arrived at Polis she got off her horse letting one of her warriors bring it to the stables. She walked to her room in the tower and took off her armor and went to sleep on her bed.

Lexas Pov
Lexa woke up and immediately tried to sit up but fell back cause of the pain and how weak she was. She also noticed how terrible she felt that her clothes were stuck to her body and covered in dried black blood. All the memories of last night flashed through her head and she groaned as she didnt know what to do to Titus. Before she could think about it she heard her door open and saw Nyko walk in and saw that she was up and grinned. "I knew you were too stubborn to die Young One" Nyko said as he walked up to Lexa checking on her wound and replaced the bandages on her wound. "Nyko you know I've told you to stop calling me that" She grumbled annoyed that she knew he wouldn't stop calling her that. "I would recommend rest but the council has called a meeting just dont do anything to strenuous" Nyko said sighing. Lexa nodded getting up slowly ignoring the pain and got her armor on and let Nyko help her get to her throne room. She saw everyone but clarke in the room and sent a guard to go get her.

Clarkes Pov
Clark woke up groaning as she heard banging on her door and quickly got dressed and walked up to the to the door and opened it. She saw a guard standing outside her door. "Heda wants you in the throne room right now their is a meeting she needs you their" the guard said looking at her. "Lead the way" She said sighing that Lexa wasn't being careful especially after she was just shot. She followed the guard to the throne room and looked around confused at all the glares the council gave her. "They are probably blaming me for what happened to lexa" She muttered annoyed and walked up to next to lexa. "Council why did you call a meeting?" Lexa asked looking at everyone. "Heda skiakru have lied to us about their being no more sky people up their. Another ship crashed to the ground. The people are angry and want to know what's happening. They want the skiakru to pay for lying" the Azgeda representative said glaring at me. "Before you ask for reprimands for skiakru maybe let Wanheda defend herself" Lexa said with a voice full of authority. "We never lied to you le-heda all of the people in the ark came down many of my people died coming down. Maybe before blaming us after all the help we gave ask the people that landed" Clarke said looking at everyone in the council. "Me and wanheda will go check out were the ship crashed if you dont trust her trust my judgment we are leaving in a hour. I will return within a week with the people from the ship so they can explain themselves. Aiden's in charge while I'm gone and for good faith Roan will be his general. If I'm not back within the week we will be at war with Skiakru.The meeting is dismissed" Lexa said as she got up. The council nodded their heads and left the room. "Lexa you were just shot you cant do this" Clarke said pleadingly looking at lexa. "I will have you to make sure I'm ok" Lexa said grinning "Get the horses ready." Lexa said looking at one of her guards and they nodded leaving. "I am going to go to pack" Clarke said walking to her room her guard followed behind her. Clarke couldn't believe that lexa said that they could go to war with her people and how stupid she was being. She new that lexa had to say what she said but it hurt. When she finished packing she was lead to the entrance of the city were lexa was on her horse and their was alot of guards with her. A guard helped her onto her horse and they started riding towards the crashsite.

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