3. Sarah Flirts with Death Part 1

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Clarkes Pov

Clarke knew it would take a few days to get the crash site. The first time they camped the warriors that they traveled with kept glaring at Clarke. She went to sleep earlier than usual and  they were a day away from the crash site. The next day the ride was good. They had been riding for a few hours when they stopped to camp. She walked away from the campsite wanting to be alone. Clarke sat on a fallen tree when she saw a panther cub walk into the area she was in. She looked at it smiling and pulled her drawing book out of her bag Lexa had given her and was about to draw the cub when she heard a growl. She put down the drawing book and pulled out her knife and looked around looking for the animal that let out the growl. She heard a twig snap and looked in that direction and a silver wolf had tackled her to the ground and tried to bite her neck and she blocked the bite with her right arm. The wolf bit that arm leaving a deep wound. She used her other hand that had the knife in the hand and stabbed the wolf in the wolf's eye. The wolf's grip on her arm loosened as the wolf backed up whimpering and fell over as it died. She put her knife back in its sheath and put the drawing book back in the back when the panther cub walked up to her. She saw it was injured and picked up the cub with her good arm and put the cub in her bag and grabbed the wolf by its tail dragging it behind her and walked back to camp. She staggered into camp weakly as she was loosing a lot of blood and dragging the wolf wasn't helping. Clarke didn't realize she was being watched by a warrior when she had wondered off. She started falling forward as darkness took over. She was caught by someone before she hit the ground.

Lexas Pov

Lexa was sitting at the campfire with her warriors when she heard some heavy footsteps come into camp and looked behind her and saw clarke and saw that she was bleeding. She got up groaning and started walking towards clarke when she saw her starting to fall. She ran up to clarke catching her. She called over the healers she usually traveled with and had them take care of clarke. Some of her warriors got up and walked over to were clarke had fallen and saw the wolf she had killed. They grinned and Lexa told them they could cook it but that had to leave some fore Clarke as it was her kill. The warriors nodded and brought it to the campfire and skinned it cooking it. Lexa had clarke brought to her tent so she could make sure she was safe and she went to sleep next to clarke. When lexa woke up she looked at clarke letting her sleep a little longer and started packing up the tent. She was approached by a scout she had sent out last night to locate the crash site. 

Clarkes Pov

Clarke woke up groaning as she was woken up by something wet hitting her stomach and felt something under her shirt. She tried moving her right arm but she immidietly stopped as it hurt. She used her good arm to grab what was under her shirt and saw it was the panther cub from last night. "I wonder what happened to your parents I wouldn't leave something so cute" she soflty muttered and reached into her bag grabbing some dried meat giving it to the cub. Clarke sat up and looked at her arm and saw it was all bandaged up and saw that the tent was packed. "Heda told me to come get you we are leaving" a warrior said looking at her. "I'm on my way" Clarke said getting up and put the panther cub in her bag and was led to were everyone was on their horses. The warrior helped her onto her horse and they started going towards the direction to the crashsite. When they got their clarke got off the horse with the help of a warrior and walked to were she saw the skidmarks in the ground end. She walked forward and ran into something but she saw nothing. 

Sarahs Pov

Sarah was sitting in her room when a alarm went off. "Gideon whats the alarm about" Sarah asked sighing. "Someone has found the ship captain" Gideon Responded. "Arent we cloaked" Sarah asked sounding concerned. Jax walked into her room sighing and said "Sarah its gonna be a while before the ship can fly." Sarah got Jax out of her room and changed into her suit and walked to the exit of the ship and opened the door walking out. She looked around and saw clarke and lexa and the warriors. "Ok we come in peace" Sarah said getting lexas and her warriors attention. The warriors walked towards were she was Lexa was in front of them with clarke. Sarah looked at clarke checking her out and felt a glare coming from the woman next to clarke. "Who are you and what is your business here" Lexa said with a voice of authority. "Well our ship crashed as we were attacked" Sarah explained sighing as the warriors held out their swords. She looked at Lexa and clarke and noticed they were hurt. Lexas body language showed it while clarks arm having a bandage on it was obvious. "How about this you come with me and I can help your injuries" Sarah offered. "How can we trust you and see Commander they are not of skiakru" Clarke said. "You and your warriors can come in and make sure I can make sure I don't kill you plus why would I kill the leader who I can make a deal with" Sarah reasoned. "Plus i mean why waste the beauty in front of me" She said with a smile looking at clarke. Clarke let out a blush from the compliment and said "Well i am intrested on what you can do." Sarah walked into the ship and saw that clarke and Lexa had followed the warriors behind them. Sarah lead them to the medbay and led clarke to sit in the chair. "Gideon please heal the injuries" Sarah said. "Ok captain Lance" Gideon responded. Clarke and lexa nearly jumped out of the seats and the warriors looked around holding out their swords. "Calm down its just our AI" Sarah explained. Clarke and Lexa were healed a hour later. 

To be continued

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