Chapter Nine

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Sophia's point of view

''This place was such a mess when I first arrived, I've been spending every free moment in it as I can,'' Grandma tells Mia and I. Ellie wasn't here because her mother had asked to see her. All she has known was that Ellie has been spending the week at the Firehouse. She doesn't know that Ellie moved in yet. Mia on the other hand. Even though she renounced her tittle Grandma had still asked that she came to the lessons. In her way it is a way for her and Mia to spend time with each other.

Grandma and I had a spray bottle in our hands and were treating the plants in the green house with some water. Grandma turns to face Mia and raises her eyebrows. ''Pick up one of these and make yourself useful,'' Grandma tells my younger sister who was just staring at the ground. Mia sighs and nods before getting one of the spray bottles and standing up. ''Spray everything,'' Grandma tells her.

''You're not mad at me for what happened?'' Mia asks her holding the spray bottle. ''Actually, I found it rather funny. Reminds me of my first royal dinner party,'' Grandma tells her. I just smile at Mia. ''See, I told you,'' I tell her before looking at Grandma. ''Ellie and I stayed up last night trying to comfort her. I told her that it was her first royal dinner and that something like that probably happened before,'' I tell her.

Grandma nods her head. ''Yes, I remember one royal dinner where someone accidentally tripped the waiter when he was carrying a desert that was lit on fire,'' Grandma smiles at the memory. ''Luckily, no one got hurt,'' she tells us. ''Where is Elianna?'' Grandma asks me. ''Her Mom called. Wanted to talk about why her daughter has been on the newspaper and why she hasn't been home all week!'' I tell her making her nod her head.

''Where is at my first dinner party I had knocked over a suit of Armor and the spear went right through the suckling pig,'' Grandma smiles turning around to face us smiling. All she was met with was Mia just spraying the plants with some water with a dejected look on her face. ''Girls, why don't we cancel lessons for today and just have some fun?'' Grandma asks us making Mia and I look at her shocked.

''Fun?'' Mia asks her shocked. ''You mean you're not to busy for something like that?'' I ask her hopefully. Just as she was about to say something Charlotte came in making Mia and I lower I heads dejected once again. ''Your Majesty, Lady Jerome, has just arrived, and I have the French Consulates assistance on hold,'' Charlotte tells her. ''He wants to confirm tonight's dinner,'' Charlotte tells her.

''Send my apologies, cancel everything for today,'' Grandma tells her making Mia and I look up at her. ''I am being shown San Francisco by two true San Franciscans,'' Grandma finishes while smiling at Mia and I. Mia and I share a smile before smiling back at Grandma. ''Tell Joseph, I'll need the car,'' Grandma tells Charlotte. ''Yes, Mam,'' Charlotte smiles at the three of us before turning to walk away but Mia stops her. ''Wait, I want to show you my baby,'' Mia tells her making me face palm at the shocked looks on Grandma's and Charlottes faces. ''She means her car,'' I tell them clearing up the confusion.

We were all driving in Mia's car on the bridge while music from the radio plays. ''I haven't sat in the front seat of a car in the longest time,'' Grandma tells us. I had told her to sit in the front with Mia while I sit in the back. ''By the way, thanks for the money for my car Grandma,'' Mia thanks her.

''So where are you two taking me?'' Grandma asks us. ''Do you have any change?'' I ask her smirking. While she was getting ready Mia and I talked about where we were going to take her. ''No, it's not appropriate for royalty to jingle,'' Grandma tells me. ''Okay we'll get the change,'' Mia tells her.

We were now in an arcade in front of an arm-wrestling machine. ''This one is my favourite. What you do is you put the quarter in and then you grab his hand,'' Mia tells her. ''I touch that?'' Grandma asks us pointing at the hand. ''Yes, you touch that?'' I nod at her. ''Then you press the button,'' Mia adds on. Grandma nods her head as she cleans the hand off. ''Then you just go,'' Mia and I tell her.

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