001/ intro

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On my 2nd Birthday my mama and papa took me to there favorite spot and I'm so happy they did

when my mama was in high school she found this field that she would always go to when the sun set because of how beautiful it was

One day on the way to the field she seen a boy sitting there so they started talking and it turns out that boy was my papa

They went there everyday with each other and when they got older and graduated they went to the field and my papa asked her to marry him then shortly after they had me and well later my little sister Maiya

This feild is very important to me and my family

Shit we even had our family pictures here

Oh and my mom even thought of my name in this feild

I din't know how the feild made her think of the name Kairi but she did

Now let me take you back and tell you about some of the best and sad moments that happen with this field

Kairi's 2nd Birthday

"Hey Kairi me and you're papa are going to take you to a very special place for your birthday today" she said and the little boy giggled making his father laugh

"I hope he will like it" She said and her husband put his hand on her cheek "he will love it" he said and gave her a kiss and the little boy stuck his tongue out make me a disgusted face making his mother and father laugh

She went and grabbed Kairi then placed him into the stroller and put a blanket and a picnic basket in the bottom of the stroller then they went to the back yard then walked through the woods

About 2 minutes later they made it to a big tree branch so his papa moved the branch revealing a beautiful field

Kairi's mother took him out of the stroller and placed him on the ground and the little boy giggled then walked around the feild

He started running to the dock near the lack so they geabbed him and took off his shoes and thel all put there feet in the water

This was really a day to remember

well, for the parents Kairi would not remember this

The first time Kairi took his best friend to the feild

Kairi was now in middle school and his little sister was now about
4 years old

Kairi made a new friend when school started and about a few weeks later they became best friends

They loved each other, they would always be with each other, they loved just being with each other

One day Kairi knew he should tell Alvaro about the feild so he would know why he sometimes wouldn't answer the phone when he texted him

Kairi texted Alvaro and told him to meet him in his back yard in 5 so he text back ok

About 7 minutes later Alvaro walked into Kairi's back yard and as soon as they seen each other they ran to each other and hugged

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