Heroes and Villains - Chapter 1

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At the tender age of 6, Izuku Midoriya's household suffered a devastating blow. Inko Midorya, his doting parent, was caught up in a villain attack. She suffered only minor injuries, but the mental scars would never heal. She gained weight and began obsessively stressing over her son's health and wellbeing. Poor little Izuku, who was born quirkless, could do nothing but watch as his mother fell apart over the years. He dealt with bullying his whole life, but not once did he ever mention it to his mother for fear of making her worse. 

He began taking notes on heroes and their quirks, but not because he admired them, he wanted to know their weaknesses. He noticed flaws in the hero society that no-one else did, but there was one hero who he truly believed to be flawless. All Might, otherwise known as the number 1 hero, had never shown signs of corruption or villainy, and Izuku truly admired him. 

But unfortunately for the hero society, and the world as a whole, something huge was about to rock the boat.

~~Some time later~~

-Midoriya pov-

I fished my notebook out of the fishpond, noticing that the lapping water had somewhat washed off the charring. I carefully patted its cover dry, then wrapped it in my PE shirt and tucked into my bag. I hoped the notes weren't too ruined, I'd discovered some new up-and-coming heroes recently and I hadn't memorized their profiles yet. I trudged home from school, keeping my head down the whole time. Suddenly, the manhole in front of me began rattling. Brown sludge burst out and a mouth and eyes appeared on it. It eyed me up, then cackled, "Perfect! A new vessel!"

A villain! This was my chance! I stayed still as to not provoke it, then cautiously called, "Excuse me, but why did you become a villain?"

If the sludge monster was shocked, it was only for a second. A moment later, thick sludge enveloped me as it tried to force itself down my throat. It grinned in my ear, "You'll know that once I take over your body!"

I then began struggling in earnest, but it was no use. The sludge was unyielding and my attempts to tear it away from me were in vain. My vision started going black from oxygen-depravation, but I refused to let it take me over so easily. I kept my mouth clamped firmly shut until I felt a large hand grab onto my arm. The last thing I saw before passing out was All Might punching the sludge villain, and then I sunk into darkness.

Something was repeatedly slapping me in the face, "Wake up, young one!"

My emerald green eyes opened to see All Might bent over in front of me, slapping my cheeks to wake me up. The only hero I truly admired was here! I got to my feet, "All Might! C-could you sign my notebook!?"

All Might handed me my signed notebook, "I already have!"

Then, he turned and I saw the bottles of sludge-monster in his cargo pants. He crouched down, "Now, I must go!"

I quickly tucked my notebook into my bag and grabbed onto All Might's leg, then shouted into the wind as he jumped, "W-wait..... I have so...... much to.... ask you!!"

I cursed my stutter, even though it only came out when I was nervous, it still made me sound pathetic and weak. All Might was shocked to say the least, "What are you doing!?! Get off?!?"

He seemed to realize that kicking me off now would kill me, then groaned as small amounts of steam began wafting from his body. He landed on top of a building, where he finally shook me off, and moved to jump again, but then coughed up some blood and shrunk. I gasped, "You're not All Might!"

The shrunken skeletal men turned towards me, "You mustn't tell anyone about this! No-one can know that I, the symbol of peace, am so weak!"

I nodded, suppressing a grin. I'd have to add this to my notebook later. Then, I remembered my questions, "All Might, after you save someone, do you make sure they're truly okay afterward!?"

All Might sighed and shook his head, "I'll answer your questions for now, but only so you don't tell everyone my weakness. Unfortunately, I save too many people to be able to truly save them."

I felt my anger at my mother's condition boil to the surface, "Even though I'm quirkless, do you think I can become a hero who'll change the world!?!"

After a tense second, All Might shook his head again, "Sorry, kid, you should look into other ways to help people. Like a police officer or a detective."

Then he walked past me and entered a staircase. I just stood there, shocked. As I turned and entered the staircase as well, All Might was already gone. As I walked down the steps, his words echoed through my mind. 

'Sorry, kid.'

'You should look into other ways to help people.'

'Like a police officer or a detective.'

'Other ways to help people.'

'A police officer or a detective.'

Other ways to help people, eh?

I'll show you, All Might, and I'll show the world, that even someone quirkless, even someone with no hope of becoming a hero, can 'help' people.

And I plan to do just that, by becoming the world's greatest villain.

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