Chapter Five- 'The Signal'

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"Do something useful and drive me somewhere!" I yelled. Were always yelling. Why is he in my closet? He's... trying on my clothes. Because that's normal... "I have an interview. Can you drive me?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Can me and Zayn watch you?" He asked me. Oh boy.

"N-Yes, only if you're super silent" I bargained.

"Yeah, he's here by the way," he added.

"Sureeeeeee" I said dragging out the end.

There's a possibility he's here though, I haven't checked Lou and Chris' room yet. I live alone. This huge apartment and only I live in it. I'm always lonley. But, that's why I'm constantly on my phone. Not joking, I taped little signs on the walls of the hallways. Best thing though, I get the roof to myself. I'm actually lucky, no one else can come up there besides 12th floor owners. That would be me. Everyone below, has another apartment on the floor. Not me, I get top floor.

I sit back on the couch, and Louis follows. Where's Chris at? Louis starts quietly giggling. "What?" I say confused.

"Nothing" he responds. I get up, my auditon is in an hour at an old theater. Alright walking to my room. Might as well check on Chris' room. I open the door, he's alseep. I have a sharpie in my pocket. Guess what I'm gonna do. I get a text and check my phone.

Lou-bear: Zayns hiding behind Chris's door. Watch out :)

Me: Thnx boo bear!

*Zayns POV*

My god this is great. She's gonna freak. Chris is 'asleep' I'm 'not here' but in reality, Chris isn't asleep, and I'm hiding behind the door. Louis slipped the marker into her pocket this morning. She pulls out the marker, and draws on him. She's not drawing on him, she's writing a note. He knows where she's going though. Were coming with her. I have an app on my phone that plays scary music, so I played the psyco theme song from the movie. She stops. Looking around curiously. "Hi Zayn"

"Damnit, how did you know it was me"

"Who else would play creepy music? You would have scared me without the music"

"Touchè" he says hugging me.

"What did you write one my face?" Chris asks.

"Look in the mirror" she points to the mirror in the corner.

"Dear Chris,

You're a moron. Zayns behind a door. If I kick you, this is what its for. Love, Mini!" Chris reads. She walks over and hugs him. After the hug she kicks him. "My leg! Jesus!" He screams.

*Gracies POV-30 minutes later*

Our auditions are at this old theater. Its actually really cool on the inside. They say its haunted, but I doubt that. There were about a hundred people here. Oh, I thought it was one on one auditions. I'm trying to get into college. New York University of Music. They have people from the school travel all over the world so people my age can get a music education. There's so many people here. Its a little ridiculous.

This is gonna take all day. Now I feel bad for the boys, they have to wait here all day. "We're gonna be here forever. Why did you drag me here Loui?"

"You could have stayed with Chris. But noooooo, You and you're whiney ass are here" Louis said to Zayn.

"You guys go home. I'll be fine by myself" I said. They're gonna leave. But its ok, I can handle myself. My friends worried about being away from family, I have basically none. I'm used to being alone.

"Ah, Love, that's the saddest thing ever. I will sit here and watch you and the 200 people here do whatever you do. I'm not letting you go again" Zayn said. Stubborn, even though he never truly left me.

"Alright, Hello everybody. I am Professer Matthews. The Principal of New York school of the Arts. Known as, Juliard, which you all know. The adutions will be split in two parts by last names. A-M will be held tomorrow. N-Z is today. A-M you can come back here tom the orrow same time same place. But, I must warn you only 25 of you will get accepted. Only 50 get this scholarship. Be lucky if you get one. Let's start!" Our advisor person told us.

"Id be scared if I were you. But I'm not and yet I'm still worried for you" Louis whispered.

"Thanks that helps" I say sarcastically. But he's right, I'm totally freaked out now. Zayn puts his arm around me protectivley. Such the second brother.

"Do not let the moron of a cousin you have scare you" Zayn whispers back.

Louis smaked him outside the head, he obviously over heard. "Ow, my hair!" Zayn whines. In front of hundreds of people, their being idiots. I hope they don't do this in concerts. Yeah, never been to a concert of theirs. I want to though. I love all 4 of them in the brotherly/cousin way. Isn't there one more person though? Liam, Harry, Lou, Zayn, who's the other person?

'Who's in One Direction?' I ask google. There are 5. "Who's this person?" I ask Zayn. Well I'm questiony today.

*Zayns POV*

"What person?" I ask. There's a lot of people here. I only know two of them. She flashes her dimmed phone screen as the second person starts singing. This girl is pretty squeeky. l take the phone from her hands "That's us. You know them" does she have memory loss? Louis looks over at the picture. Then at me, what did I do?

"She knows 4 of us. Last I checked, there's 5 in our band. She dosent know him" He points to Niall. I was just texting him too.

"Gracie that's Ni-" I begin.

"Nice pair of shoes" Louis finishes, wrongly might I add.

"Thanks?" She says quizically.

"Please leave. Now" The Professer Matthews says to the new squeeky person. How many people have gone already?

"Is this singing? You sing Mini?" I ask like I never knew. Of coarse I knew though.

"Y-yeah. I do" she stuttered.

"We have our very first scholarsip. After 10 people" the Professer said. This guy is mean.

"I'm scared. I don't think I can do this anymore" she said. Louis looked over at giving me 'The Signal' that I had been waiting for.

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