Chapter 17: Awwww!!! Killer's got a little bean!!!

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<???'s POV> 

So I'm kinda freaking out, because that horrible colorless white slate was touching my Golden Treasure.  He dared to touch her while he knew I was watching!!! I swear if he's not dead by the time she's mine I'll make her kill him in the most painful ways! 

Hopefully Cora would remember her place and control her child of death. 

I walk through the forest back to my camp, when I hear a rustle of leaves behind me. A male human approaches me. He's got white as paper skin, red eyes, and black hair. Weird, I don't remember seeing him before but his spirit feels familiar.

"Good evening Silver." He says in a smooth voice. Something about it gives me serious edge.

"How do you know my name..?" I ask.

"Not important, I'm only here for one thing." He glares at me. 

"And that is..?" I  question. His aura slightly intimidates me, but I don't know why.

"If you touch Goldie I swear I will destroy your entire soul. Touch my hostess and I will make sure your life is hell. Kill White if you want, we don't care about him, but if you even touch a hair on her head we will make sure you wish you'd never been born." He comes closer to me, our faces almost touching. I reach out to grab his neck and choke him, when my hand fazes through him.  I stumble back in surprise. My hand bleeds from multiple cuts that came from nowhere. 

"Wh- You're Cora..? Or another demon of corruption inside her?" I ask it, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. 

"I'm not that pathetic corruption spirit inside her, I am Mortem, the spirit of death." He says calmly. "So heed my warning and don't touch my host." With that he fades into thin air. 

<Ink's POV> 

I look around in my cabin for my pencil case. I'm sure I put it on the table near Error's room, but now I can't find it!!! I can't find my erotica sketchbook either. I swear if Lust stole it again I would personally punch him this time. 

I walk to the living room to see if it's anywhere in there, when I see my pencil case. I fail to notice the dark skeleton sitting on the couch looking in a sketchbook. I go to pick up the pencil case, when strings pull it away from me. 

"So, what are you doing?" I jump. I look around and I see Error sitting on the couch. 

"Error! I was just grabbing my pencil case." I look at him skeptically. "What are you doing..?" I ask him. 

"I found this sketchbook and so I decided to look in it. Pretty nice drawings honestly." He puts down one of my full sketchbooks. I slightly blush. 

"O-Oh. So why did you have my pencil case..?" I look at him questioningly.

"I saw it outside my room, so I put it on the table here." He says. Huh.

"Ink!!!!!!!!!!" I cringe when I hear the voice of Lust. There's nothing wrong with him, but he can be annoying sometimes.  Lust hugs me from behind. 

"Hi Lust." I squirm out of his arms. 

"Horror, Candy, Cross, Dream and I were wondering if you two would like to come to a cafe in town! Candy said she needs to get supplies for something Goldie wanted her to make anyway." He smiles at me and Error.

"I'm good to go if Ink comes with." Error puts my sketchbook down and looks at me. 

"I guess I need some more blue and red paint for my art stuff anyways." I shrug. Error gets up off the couch and walks to his room, and I grab my pencil case. Error walks back out of his room and Lust leads us out of the cabin. I see Killer and a small skeleton talking to each other on a bench. Awwww. 

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