Asks #4

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ChirsBrock9 asks:

To Zelda: did you have visions before your kingdom was taken over that predicted the event? Also link when you were a wolf did you even get the urge to chase cats?

Zelda- "I did, a bit. I tried to tell Sarth about the dreams, but he dismissed them, saying that the kingdom was secure and I had nothing to be worried about. Now I really wish I had persisted more...Though, maybe it wouldn't have even mattered. When Zant and his monsters attacked, there wasn't much we could do to stop it."

Link- "As for your other question...yes, I was very tempted at times. It was very weird seeing a cat and thinking 'I want to catch that. I reallyyy want to catch that.'" *laughs* "I think I controlled it pretty well though"

TheTriforceTardis asks:

Link. Is being a wolf as awesome as it sounds? I may ask a lot of questions i'm really starting to get into The Legend of Zelda and am way into the books Timeless and Everlasting.

Link- "It's um...different. It's really itchy, that kind of sticks with you." *laughs* "It's pretty cool to talk to animals, I guess. Your fast too, when you run. So, overall it's pretty awesome, but I can't get over just how dang itchy you are all the time.

xoxoHotMe asks:

To Link & Zelda: when you have kids, what will you name your children?

Zelda- "I really like the name Lyrica if it was a girl. My mother had almost named me that, but she had a feeling that Zelda would be right for me. I would like to name her that because it also reminds me of her" *smiles smally*

Link- "I haven't really thought about it...I guess I probably should, considering I'm married and king...Demitri, maybe? I don't know."

Zelda-"You've never once thought about the name of your future son?"

Link- "Nope! Never thought I'd be wed at 20. Thought I had time," *chuckles*

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