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How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore

"Ok, stop insulting my mother" Alexander suddenly said.

Go on and on
Grow into more of a phenomenon?
Watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother

"...ok now stop insulting me!!" Alexander yelled at Burr. "THAT'S NOT EVEN ME!" Aaron yelled back

Be seated at the right hand of the father
Washington hires Hamilton right on sight
But Hamilton still wants to fight, not write

"Why am I not surprised" Washington said as Alexander shrugged. "I wouldn't even be surprised" His friends said even his wife.

Now Hamilton's skill with a quill is undeniable
But what do we have in common
We're reliable with the


John coughed, Alexander looked at him weirdly but just shrugged it off

There are so many to deflower

Proximity to power


They delighted and distracted him
Martha Washington named her feral tomcat after him

"Not true" Washington said crossing his arms as Alexander chuckles making the big guy smile it was small but noticeable.

That's true


A winter's ball
And the Schuyler sisters are the envy of all
Yo, if you can marry a sister, you're rich, son

Is it a question of if, Burr, or which one?

Angelica turned to Alexander raising a brow as Eliza wonders if that was why Alexander married her. Alexander gulped squeezing John's hand.

Hey hey, hey, hey, hey, hey


Yay a short chapter T^T

Hamilton Reacts To StuffStuff [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now