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Ohh, I do I do I do I Dooo! Hey!
Ohh, I do I do I do I Dooo!
Boy, you got me helpless!

"Oh? I did?" Alexander said looking at Eliza who just blushed. Alex chuckled while John squeezed his hand with no one noticing except for the two.

Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em

I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

Both her sisters giggles "Well maybe.." Eliza said joining the giggles.

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room

Jefferson was about to say something but stopped as Angelica glared at him

Then you walked in and my heart went

Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister, and whisper
"Yo, this one's mine." (Oooh)

Angelica's smile quivered going unnoticed by everyone except Hanzel who glanced at her. Hanzel went back to watching frowning at a thought.

My sister made her way across the room to you (Oooh)
And I got nervous, thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Oooh)
She grabs you by the arm, I'm thinkin'
"I'm through" (Oooh)
Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm

Herc laughed nudging Alexander who just laughed nervously. John frowned but smiled when Alexander placed his hand back on his. Eliza blushed smiling at Alexander

Look into your eyes (Oh, look at those eyes)

"Wait...what's up with my eyes? It isn't that special, is it?" Alexander asked looking around curiously. The others except Burr and Washington facepalmed (and yes including T.Jeff and J.Mads)

And the sky's the limit (Oh!)
I'm helpless (I know)
Down for the count
And I'm drownin' in 'em

I'm helpless! (I'm so into you)
Look into your eyes (I am so)
And the sky's the limit (into you)
I'm helpless! (I know)
I'm down for the count
And I'm drownin' in 'em

"Betsy is so love struck" Peggy said grinning but her thoughts are something different 'JohnandAlexJohnandAlex' that kept repeating. Yes she supports her sister but she's got her priorities straight.

Where are you taking me?
I'm about to change your life
Then by all means, lead the way
Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you

"Oh don't lie..I know you know them" Jefferson said rolling his eyes. Alexander scoffs shoving chips into his mouth using his free hand.

My sister
Thank you for all your service
If it takes fighting a war for us to meet
It will have been worth it

"Now that's smooth" Lafayette said glancing at Aaron who glared at him

I'll leave you to it

One week later
I'm writin' a letter nightly
Now my life gets better
Every letter that you write me
Laughin' at my sister, 'cause she wants to form a harem

Everyone looked at her "I was kidding relax" she said waving her hands. But of course the other set of siblings knew she was lying.

I'm just sayin', if you really loved me
You would share him
Ha! Two weeks later
In the living room stressin'
My father's stonefaced
While you're asking for his blessin'
I'm dying inside, as you wine and dine
And I'm tryin' not to cry
'Cause there's nothing that your mind can't do (Oooh)

Alexander chuckles "Aww don't cry" He said lovingly which made Hanzel grimace they do not like romance at.all (I definitely don't)

My father makes his way across the room to you (Oooh)
I panic for a second, thinking
"We're through" (Oooh)
But then he shakes your hand and says
"Be true" (Oooh)
And you turn back to me, smiling, and I'm

Eliza grinned she was happy, but...would that happiness la- "GOD DAMNIT AUTHOR" Bella yelled. Oh shut up I'm doing my job..last?

Look into your eyes
And the sky's the limit, I'm
Down for the count (Woo)
And I'm drownin' in 'em

I'm helpless!
He's mine, that boy is mine!
Look into your eyes
And the sky's the limit, I'm
Helpless! Helpless!

Everyone started laughing as Alexander danced "Mon ami, did you really do that?" Lafayette asked between laughs. Alexander just shrugged chuckling at the dance

Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em

Eliza, I don't have a dollar to my name

"Oh yea? Then tell that to the ten dollar that is worth more than Jefferson's" Natalia said as Jefferson started blurting "HE'S WORTH MORE THAN ME!?" He yelled. Alexander grinned "we'll laugh about this someday" He said.

An acre of land, a troop to command
A dollop of fame
All I have's my honor, a tolerance for pain

"WHOA WHOA!! whoa!!...HOW did I not notice that part!?" Hanzel practically yelled as everyone looked at them confuzzled. Hanzel huffed 'I guess no one care about the pain tolerance these days'

A couple of college credits and my top-notch brain
Insane, your family brings out a different side of me
Peggy confides in me, Angelica tried to take a bite of me
No stress, my love for you is never in doubt

The siblings coughed "yep *cough* No doubt" the three said and again everyone looked at them confused.

We'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out
I've been livin' without a family since I was a child
My father left, my mother died

Alexander clicked his tongue "they didn't even mention James.." He said as they looked over to Madison "NO not him!" Alexander yelled frustrated for some reason.

I grew up buckwild
But I'll never forget my mother's face, that was real
And long as I'm alive, Eliza, swear to God, you'll never feel so

I do I do I do I do!
Eliza (Helpless!)
I do I do I do I do!
I've never felt so-
Helpless! (Hey! Yeah, yeah!)
Down for the count and
I'm drownin' in 'em (Down for the count I'm)

Alexander and Eliza smiled at each other lovingly but of course Hanzel noticed Alexander's was dim. They clicked their tongue turning back around.

My life is gon' be fine cuz Eliza's in it
I look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm (Helpless!)
Down for the count
And I'm drownin' in 'em

In New York, you can be a new man
In New York, you can be a new man
In New York, you can be a new man

Everyone was smiling it was a cute song. "I can't believe Herc was the flower girl" John said as Lafayette laughed "Honestly..I would be a great Flower girl" Herc said proudly. "Of course you are" Alexander said patting his shoulder.

Angelica hugged her sisters as they giggled. Hanzel looked around and then went back to staring at the ground "Hey are yo-" The king was cut off by their sister as the two shook their head. The king was about to protest when they both just mouthed a simple "No" and so he backed out pouting he didn't like getting ordered around


And we're done with Helpless..

It's like 2:00 am but I can't sleep so I'm doing this..not much was said but whatever

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