Peter Parker X Reader - Yoga Partner

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A/N - In this imagine the reader and Peter are both over 18. I hope you all enjoy it.

Sunday afternoons were supposed to be your time to relax. All of the avengers would be either working or off doing their own thing, as they always had. You got the entire floor of Stark Tower to yourself. Most weeks you would listen to music or read a book, sometimes you even took the chance to do some yoga. All the stuff you never got to do when the space was teeming with people. 

This had all changed, however, when Peter had moved into the tower. At first he had been pretty good at keeping to himself, only appearing to get food and the heading back to his own room. But he had gotten braver as the weeks had gone on, and now you could barely get a second to yourself. 

"Whatcha doing'?" his voice startled you, and you quickly looked up from your pose, catching his eyes for just a second before returning to the original pose.  

A small sigh escaped you as you pressed your eyes closed. "What does it look like I'm doing, Parker?" 

"Well, I didn't want to just-"

You released a heavy groan, allowing yourself to fall backwards onto the mat, staring up at him in disbelief. "All I ever wanted was one afternoon a week," you uttered, lifting your hands to rub your fingers against your temples. "Just one blissful afternoon to myself, is that too much to ask?" you continued softly as you glanced up at him.

Peter looked like a puppy as he opened his mouth, searching for an answer for you. "I didn't mean to bother you," he started, a small frown pulling at his lips. "I just-" he paused for a moment, before giving up and shrugging. "Sorry." 

God, he looked as though he was close to tears, and all of a sudden you felt bad for your outburst. "No," you murmured, shaking your head. "I was being mean and you don't deserve it." You licked your lips. "I'm sorry for being a dick."

A small smile formed on Peter's lips at your comment, and he gave a short nod. You both stayed quiet for a moment, embraced in the awkwardness of the room, until he began to stretch his arms out.

"What are you doing?" You uttered, brows knitting together in confusion. 

"Limbering up." He said it like it was the simplest thing in the world, and then he was moving to sit beside you and giving you a proper smile. "Show me how to yoga." A burst of laughter escaped you at his comment.

"I'm not an instructor."

Peter shrugged. "Well, it certainly looked like you knew what you were doing, so I'll just copy you."

"This is ridiculous," you exclaimed, shifting to your knees on the mat. "You're ridiculous," you reiterated, glancing over your shoulder at him with another peel of laughter. 

"And you're wasting valuable teaching time." You rolled your eyes at that, getting to your feet and waiting for him to scramble into position beside you. You raised your arms above your head, taking a deep breath. "This is called Mountain pose," you uttered as you released the breath, your eyes drifting closed. 

You heard Peter let out a snort. "Yoga's easy," he started, only falling silent when you shushed him. 

"There's no talking in Yoga. Focus on your breathing." You took another deep breath, holding it for just a moment before releasing. "Now, we're going to move into a High Lunge," you uttered, shifting your body into the pose. 

You could feel Peter's eyes on your as he moved around, attempting to copy your movements perfectly.

"Take a deep breath," you uttered, pausing for a moment. "And release." You allowed your eyes to open, glancing back at Peter with a small smile. "You're doing great," you murmured, watching his entire face light up. "Hold for just another couple of seconds, and then we're going to move into the cobra pose." 

You shifted effortlessly to the ground, putting your body into the position with trained precision as Peter clambered around noisily behind you. "Okay," he muttered behind you. "I don't like this one."

A chuckle burst out of you, your arms allowing you to drop down to the mat before you turned to look at him. He looked so awkward, splayed out on the wooden floor and attempting to curve his back properly. "I thought our friendly neighbourhood spiderman would be more flexible," you teased, shifting forward and placing a hand on his back to help him move into the right position. "There we go." 

Returning to your spot on the mat, you felt his gaze following you. "Eyes on the ceiling, Parker," you uttered, hearing a snort escape his lips. You stayed in the pose for a few minutes, taking deep, calming breaths until you finally moved, turning so that you were facing Peter, with your legs crossed. "So, what are you doing hanging around here all weekend? Surely you've got friends you could go and see?"

Peter shrugged, copying your position and giving a half assed smile. "May volunteers on Sundays, and Ned's mom's being real hard on him about his grades," he paused for a moment. "MJ works weekends. And honestly? I don't really have any other friends." You nodded your understanding, rolling your shoulders to release the tension you knew had been building there all week. "What about you?"

You paused for a moment, completely still as you considered the question. "I don't think I have any friends," you finally murmured, giving him a tight lipped smile before getting to your feet and rolling up your mat. "I've been pretty independent since I was a kid, so it was always easier not to bother with friendships." 

"I'm your friend," Peter uttered, his voice so soft that he sounded like a child. 

A small chuckle burst out of your lips, and you shook your head. "That doesn't count. We're colleagues and we live together; we don't have a choice," you exclaimed, watching as he clambered back to his feet, following you into the kitchen.

"I would like to think we would be friends anyway."

You offered him a small smile, followed by a short shrug. "It's nothing personal, Pete. You seem like fun, I just don't do friends."

"This is starting to sound very 'It's not you, it's me,'" Peter uttered, raising an eyebrow as you released a soft sigh. 

"I mean... it is me," you started, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "I don't stay anywhere for long enough for it to be worth making friends, and if I do, I isolate myself so that no one will try to befriend me. It's a me problem, not anyone else's." 

Peter was frowning now, perched on one of the stools that lined the kitchen island. "That sounds lonely."

"I'm used to it."

"I want to be your friend," Peter uttered, sitting up a little straighter as you took a sip from your water bottle.

"Tough. You aren't allowed."

He released a sharp laugh at your comment, shaking his head. "Well, you're my friend."

"No," you corrected, raising an eyebrow at him. "Normally, I'm your work partner. Today I was your yoga instructor. At no point in the time that I have known you have I been your friend."

"What about the other week when we watched the movie together?"

A small snort burst out of your chest as you shook your head. "I think you'll find that I was watching a movie and you gate crashed. I didn't have a choice."

Peter looked like he was deep in concentration for a moment. "Well, what about at Tony's Christmas party? I introduced you to my aunt."

"Once more, not something I did willingly. Although, May seemed like a very nice woman." A small sigh filled the room and for a moment you felt a little guilty, watching how downtrodden Peter seemed. "Face it, Parker. I don't do friends."

"I don't believe you," he answered, his voice soft as he offered you a small smile. "And I am going to make you my friend, whether you like it or not."

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