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   The driver drove Yasmin to school but before she arrived school, the lecturer was alredy in class. It was Dr sharif's course they had that morning.she was so ashamed .she couldn't enter the class considering the last time he had told her she was making noise in the class and since she new he doesn't welcome late coming.
   Dr Sharif concluded  his class, left for his office.Immediately  he came out of the class, he saw Yasmin outside.He smiled and said to him self this girl is not serious always coming to my class late.But he didn't utter a word to her .
   Meanwhile, Yasmin entered the class and Sadiya asked her why she was late for class and she told her.Now is the time for us to go and meet him in his office so that you can submit the last assignment he gave.I have done I for you  write your matric number on the assignment said Sadiya. Oh! Your such a sweet friend , thanks girlfriend Yasmin said.They arrived at Dr.Sharif's office and knocked at the door .He told them to come in. Sadiya was explaining everything to Dr .Sharif  then he said Batada bakin magana ne? Why must you speak for her? Infact wait outside when she is trough she will meet u.
   He had an interaction with Yasmin and asked  her why she was late  as usual  to his Class. She explained to him saying she woke up late.His reply to her was that is a slumsy excuse.He then told her next time I want to see you sitting at the first row in the first sit In classs is that clear Yasmin Abubakar?She answered in a shaking voice saying  ye... Yess sir.He said good you can submit the assignment and go .But next time when you are coming to my office stop shivering as if you have seen a ghost.Now get lost out of my side said Dr . Sharif.

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