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BEN was the one who insisted they visit the godforsaken place before it closed for good, and because he was the birthday boy, who could tell him no? Well, quite a few of them, actually, especially Doctor Smirky, who attempted to jump through the living room window when the birthday party location was announced to the present household. He was hauled back through by the leg by his brother, Doctor Smiley, who informed him that if the rest of them had to suffer at a place so attractively named Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, then so did he.

Smirky called him bad names.

Dark Link had objections about their choice of birthday venue due to the many dubious news articles he had Googled about the place. He brought them up on his phone, spooking Jeff and Toby. Slenderman told him to put the phone away and to stop reading so much; literature, fiction or nonfiction, was bad for their health. Smirky, after learning there were missing children involved, attempted to jump through the closed window again while they were distracted, and successfully broke through the glass, hitting the ground running. Smiley yelled, jumped out too, and went chasing after him deep into the forest.

Against all good judgement and news-savvy 'pastas, a big non-suspicious van was rented for the day and all birthday participants boarded. Smiley came trotting out of the forest looking dishevelled, leaves and twigs tangled in his coat and hair, hauling an equally dishevelled Smirky by the arm like an asylum patient as the sharp-toothed crazy thing hissed and scratched at him.

He shoved him through the van's open door, stepped in after him and slid the door shut with a decisive thud. The wheels started rolling, and soon the mansion's gates were far behind them.

BEN was in the front seat, Slenderman behind the wheel. Laughing Jack, Sally, and Toby were squished into the first row of seats, Dark Link and Jeff enjoying less cramped quarters in the middle row, and Smirky and Smiley at the back. Someone could've moved to make the ride more comfortable, but Dark Link had purposefully lain his sword over his lap, and Smirky's current facial expression was downright homicidal.

"Jane didn't have to go to the murder pizzeria!" moaned Jeff.

L.J turned in his seat to chat. "Jane was too busy to make it, and so was E.J," he reminded him cheerfully, sounding quite unperturbed. "They're missing out on all the fun."

"I-I wish M-Masky an-and Hoodie c-could-could've come," Toby stuttered.

"If they had met their kill quota for the month and paid their share of the electricity bill on time, they could've," Slendeman said darkly.

Toby's head drooped. "It- It wasn't th-their f-fault t-those last h-households were in the A-Ah-Arctic." He fidgeted with his sleeve. "A-And th-they couldn't p-pay their bill because-"

"They blew their budget on cheesecake and waffles," Sally finished for him with a giggle. They'd shared.

Toby nodded his head.

"Don't worry," Dark Link said sympathetically. "I'm sure they're building igloos and murder- er- befriending the local penguin population right about now."

"I'd rather be there than here," Smirky groused from the back. "Cold be damned. I hate all of you so much.'

"We hate you too!" L.J replied sunnily.

"Pizza," BEN said dreamily, a faraway look in his eyes, as if he were hours ahead of them and already seated.

Smiley had been quietly reading a pamphlet from the pizzeria. It was years out of date. "These animatronics look questionable," he commented aloud. "Freddy Fazbear, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, something called a Foxy... Did they really have to give them all teeth? The bear and the Foxy I can understand, but a chicken? With teeth?"

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