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Toy foxy woke up in her cove. She looked down at her body expecting to see some sort of broken and destroyed mess of bone and organ but found nothing, just her normal body. The curtains were shut and she assumed that it was past closing hours. She peaked out and snuck past the security cameras so she could go to the other animatronics.

"MANGLE!" Toy chica yelled as she pulled Mangle into a hug.

"We heard about what happened to you." Toy Freddy said "We can't tell you how sorry we are."

"It's okay you guys. If it weren't for that security guard I probably wouldn't be here." Mangle said as she wondered where the guard went.


Lucas and the other guard who's name he had learned was Benny, were standing in the office watching the cameras and talking about the workout routine Lucas had when they heard a noise that signaled an animatronic was searching for a possible criminal. Benny turned on the flashlight and looked down the hallway and saw the old foxy animatronic at the end of it.

"Hey Lucas what do you think this is about?" He said as he continued to shine the flashlight at the fox.

"I don't know but I'm sure if you turn off the flashlight it'll just walk around and go back to the room the older animatronics is go to." Lucas said before he returned to the previous conversation they were having. The noise grew louder but the two men ignored it figuring that the old fox was looking in one of the party rooms in front of them. Little did they know the fox was in front of the office hidden in the shadows waiting for them to not care.

Foxy ran at the larger man and slashed at his face with his hook, he hit the man and left a deep gash down his right eye. He jumped at the man in the chair and pinned him on the ground.

"I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ONE OF US! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!" The fox yelled at Benny who just pointed at Lucas who was trying to stop the bleeding of the cut that had miraculously missed his eye and only left a medium sized cut on his face that would be a scar for the rest of his life. Foxy ran over and pinned Lucas to to wall with one hand and asked the question again.

"Children broke your replacement and I helped get somebody to fix her! Is this your version of thank you!?" Lucas asked foxy.

"Er Sorry about that I just needed to know and....do ye want some help with yer nasty scratch there?" Foxy asked Lucas who just glared at him until he ran off and came back with a first aid kit. Benny helped put stitches on Lucas's face as foxy explained himself.

"Ya see. I felt the pain that my replacement felt and I needed to stop it. She may have replaced me but she does not deserve such horrid treatment. May I meet this 'toy' foxy?" He asked after telling the two guards why he had attacked them. Benny nodded and the three of them walked to the kids cove that was unfortunately empty, much to the two guard's confusion.

"Where is she?" Foxy said with a tone of anger.

"Don't worry we'll find her. You stay here." Lucas said as he and Benny walked out of the room and into the main stage area where they found toy foxy.

"It's you! You saved me! Thank you so much." Toy foxy said with major excitement as Lucas walked over to her.

"I have somebody who wants to meet you." Lucas aid before he guided her back to kids cove. Toy foxy walked into the room and saw foxy who looked back at her and was rendered speechless as they looked into each other's eyes. Toy foxy blushed as she saw the most handsome animatronic ever made.

"It's g-good to s-see that you're o-okay." Foxy stuttered as he walked up to Toy foxy.

"It's very nice to meet you." She replied as she looked into the golden pools that were his eyes, toy foxy couldn't stop staring at him. Lucas looked at the two in wonder, 'how can two animatronics love each other?' he thought to himself as he pulled toy foxy out of the room.

"Well you two seem to be having a moment but I'm just gonna talk to you about tomorrow Mrs foxy."

"He was so...wait what?" Toy foxy replied in confusion

"I do not love him. You must have had too much pizza." Toy foxy said as they walked over to a corner.

"Well, anyways I am going to be in your cove all day tomorrow watching to make sure what happened yesterday doesn't happen again. But I gotta go and sleep for the rest of the night do I'll see you tomorrow." Lucas said as he walked out of the pizzeria."

"Good night." Toy foxy said as she went back to her kid's cove. She remembered there was going to be a new night guard. Maybe she would scare him.

Foxy sat there in the parts and service room with his friends, Freddy, Bonnie, and chica. Foxy sat in his corner of the room and peacefully went to sleep dreaming about the vixen he had seen earlier that day.


A man wearing a purple guard uniform walked in and looked around the mostly empty pizzeria and went to the security locker room. He opened a hidden locker and smiled at the sight of a suit based of off a golden bunny and a machete next to it.

Apologies for the slight delay for chapter two as I have been busy with another story that I have going on. I hope there will be more soon but there are currently a lot of things going on so after each chapter there may be a delay. Nonetheless I hope that whoever has made it this far in the message is having a great day! Yes you! You're awesome!

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