New Year came. New resolutions were made. And this time Hoseok was going to stick to it.
He promised himself that it isn't going to be like every other year and that this time, no matter what happens, he'd stick to it.
"More efficient, More community services, Less sprite." He listed out the first three in his list as he sat on the same train, this time feeling a lot better. "Also...Get over her." His smile widened as he said it without hesitating or stuttering. And he didn't feel as bad as he felt the first week.
Yoongi did a good job...
It took him some time to realize it, but Yoongi had all the patience in the world as he explained to him his own feelings which he had a hard time understanding on his own. What he had for Kim Jisoo, his ex-fiance wasn't what he expected he had. He loved her, yes. He definitely did, no doubt. But that was because at that point all he ever wanted was to see his Eomma and Halmeoni happy and to fulfill his Halmeoni's wish to see him as a family man and Jisoo seemed to like him. And Hoseok being Hoseok, still having a hard time deciphering his feelings decided that since he found this girl pretty he was undeniably in love with her. So, in a way Hoseok had forced himself to fall in love with the pretty girl and decided to give her a ring on their third anniversary while Jisoo decided to come out to him on her pregnancy. Again,Hoseok being Hoseok, decided to ignore his biology lessons at school which clearly stated that'Ya'll need to have unprotected sex to have babies' and smiled bright enough to light up the whole Korean Peninsula, already thinking of cute names for 'their' son or daughter when Jisoo patiently explained to him that Making out with Hoseok wasn't what made her pregnant but real sex with her rich boss.
The following two weeks were hell to Hoseok as his insecurities came back to haunt him reminding him that it's the second girl who had left him for another man. Usually Hoseok's eomma would have been the one assuring her son that he was actually too good for people. But when he called, the phone was attended by his Halmeoni who had just learned to attend calls on an android phone and she was just too happy to talk to him about his future little kids. He made the hardest decision that day which, may or may not be for the best. He decided to not tell his family about it. It's gonna be hard, obviously. But Hoseok's gonna fight till the end. He hates to be the one thinking this way, but his Halmeoni is really old and her old-age ailments were getting worse slowly. She might as live the remaining little part of her life happily.
Humming a little tune to himself, Hoseok made sure to make up for the past weeks by smiling even wider. It was a good day altogether and so even after around six hours of class, he looked way too energetic for someone who had worked for that long.
With his earphones on and singing along with Hailee Steinfield, he skipped out of the train with the crowd bopping his head occasionally, flashing smiles to everyone up until he reached his apartment.
Still with his earphones on he typed in his passcode, dancing all the way to the kitchen only to stop at the familiar figure.
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Dunno what I did there.I hope that y'all didn't die of boredom reading this...
Who do y'all think the person is?
Anyway...G'Daybootiful people of Oz... Keep yourself hydrated