Chapt. 4 See you Naruto~

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3rD person perspective

After team 7 was told about the stuff about chuunin exams, it was already dark out so everyone had to leave especially Naruto because at night there were drunks roaming the street but thanks to Karuma helping with training when Naruto was younger Naruto shunshins to his house.

His house is his clans main house and his mothers and father house was the biggest but he had no one to live there with him, his house was right in the middle of the Forest of death so he would not get hurt from the people who would try to break in if he live in the village it was the saddest place to be for Naruto and the thing is no one knows where he lives not even his sensei and the Hokage only Gaara knew because when the mind link to each other Gaara knows exactly where Naruto is and if he is in danger or not.

Naruto went to his room and yawned and got changed into some red pajamas that reminded him of Gaara then he started a link to Gaara.

'Hey Gaara~kun I'm just going to tell you good night..' Naruto says in his mind and yawns

'Alright then Naru good night I'll see you soon~' Gaara says to Naruto

Gaara closes off the link and he lets Naruto go to sleep.

Naruto closes his eyes and ends up in his mind, there is a big beautiful forest in Naruto's mind for Karuma.

Naruto quickly made his way to Karuma who is sleeping is a big field, Naruto runs to one of his tails and lays down on it and falls asleep.

(With Gaara)

Gaara is packing some cloths and scrolls in his seal, he gets a orange katana he made for Naruto as a gift and puts it in his seal then puts his seal in his pouch on his leg.

Gaara starts to walk off to the gates of Suna to meet up with his father and 'siblings'.

'The others are not here yet, I'll just wait and talk to Naru..' Gaara thinks well opening his mind link.

'Hey Naru~' Gaara says to Naruto in mind link.

'Hello Gaara~kun! Are you getting ready for bed too?' Naruto asks in the link

'Um, yeah you can say that.' Gaara says in the link 'I'm not going to tell him I'm coming to his village I'll surprise him..' Gaara thinks

'Alright anyways good night Gaara!' Naruto says to Gaara.

'Goodnight my Naru~' Gaara says as he cuts the link leaving Naruto a blushing mess

Sasuke's perspective

Dobe is acting really weird lately... Hn.. I wish he would just tell everyone what's going on in his dumb head, he really is pissing me off now in days...

He better explain tomorrow about what's going on in his brain or I'll just have to ask Shikamaru or Ino.. to do what they do and get out those dumb thoughts.

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