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I took a deep breathe before turning around. There stood my son with...his father. All the blood drained from my body and my cold hands started to sweat mysteriously. A huge lump rose in my throat as my eyes met with Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He was staring right at me, his face giving away nothing. I could feel the throbbing behind my ear and I tried to calm my racing heart. Never in my life, I once thought I would meet him...again. But here we were, standing infront of each other.

"Anneyonghasaeyo. Min Yoongi-imnida." Yoongi bowed.
I bowed too. "Yea, anneyonghasaeyo. Kim Ji Hwa-imnida, Min Gyu's eommonim. " I said as a sudden force took over me. I wanted to cry. Cry out loud.
"Eomma, meet Suga." Min Gyu smiled brightly.
I tried to smile back. "Yeah."
Min Gyu came to hold my hand and dragged me closer to Yoongi.

"Oh...Noona!" Tae appeared from behind me with an energy drink in his hand.
"Taehyung-ah. Jin-ssi went to find you guys to the amusement park." I said.
"Ah...he called me a while ago. He is going to come back but he is stuck in traffic. It will take a while for him."
"Ah...really?" I muttered.

"Suga ahjussi, let's buy some mint chocolate." Min Gyu said, grabbing Yoongi's hand.
Yoongi glanced at me and put on his face mask on. His eyes were old and hard and I could tell he was mad. At me?

They both walked away to find mint chocolate. I went to Tae who was choosing ramyeon.
"Noona, Min Gyu looks so alike with Suga hyung. When the staff saw him, they thought it was Suga hyung's son." Tae laughed.
My heart skipped a beat and I nervously glanced at Yoongi.
"By the way, we had a lot of fun in the amusement park. How was your date?" Tae asked.
"It was-" I remembered something. "Heya, Kim Taehyung, you lied to me about Jin-ssi being sick. Woah...were you trying to set us up?" I asked, suddenly annoyed.
He threw me a bright smile. "Noona, it was meant to be. Aiy...you two should spend more time together."
I sighed. "We know each other for ten years."
He looked surprised. "But Jin hyung is so different when you are there. He is usually a funny guy who cracks not so funny jokes but to be honest, I have noticed he change when you are around. Uh...dont wanna hurt you but you two seem a little awkward with each other."
I agreed with that. I had come to know Jin's other side that night.
"And you two are getting married soon, right?" Tae asked.
My eyes widened. "Uh...who told you that?"
"Jin hyung."
"No...not really." I hesitated. "We haven't met each other's parents yet. It will be decided after meeting our parents." I smiled, hiding my hesitancy.
I looked around again but couldn't spot Yoongi and Min Gyu.
"Heya...where are they?" I asked, scanning around.
"I dont know."

I walked away and scanned the store. I frowned and I felt a little uneasy. And then I saw them. Through the glass wall, outside the store, sitting on the tables, eating mint chocolate.

I nervously pushed the door open and with silent steps, walked to them. Their backs were facing me. I could hear their talks and I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I stopped on my tracks.

"Heya, do you know who your real dad is?" Yoongi asked.
"Uh...actually, eomma doesn't talk about him a lot. All I know is that he is a korean man." Min Gyu laughed nervously.
Yoongi sighed heavily. "Really? You never saw him?"
"What do you think how your real father is?"
Min Gyu thought for a moment. "I...always wonder about him and think if he thinks about me and eomma. Most of the time, I think about who is or how he is. In my imagination, he...ugh..." Min Gyu sighed. "I dont know."
"What if he is as cool as me?" Yoongi asked teasingly but I heard the seriousness at the edge. And my heart skipped a beat.
"Woah...that would be so awesome. As cool as you. Woah, I can't even imagine it. One thing I never imagined is that he  ould be as cool as you." Min suddenly brightened up.
Yoongi chuckled. "That would be awesome, of course."
"Yeah. By the way, do you have a girlfriend?" Min Gyu asked.
"Girlfriend?" Yoongi laughed. "What about you?"
"Aiy...you didn't answer me."
Yoongi messed Min Gyu's hair and laughed.

I slowly turned back and walked inside the store, not wanting to disrupt their sweet conversation. Even though I felt like panicking, deep inside, I felt a sense of satisfaction, watching them talk. They looked close. It impressed me. It had been just a day.

I found Tae at the counter, talking with the girl in the counter. He seemed to be flirting as she was blushing hard. Or was it just his good looking face? I walked to them.
"...and so you started to work here? Woah, that's awesome." Tae exclaimed. "Oh Noona." He said as I reached them.
"She is awesome. She is just a high school kid, and she works part time here on weekends."
I smiled sweetly at the counter girl. She bowed.

Through the glass wall, I watched them talk and laugh. It felt good but I was scared too. Yoongi was a smart guy but would he figure out the truth? How would he react if he did? I broke down into cold sweat at the thought.

Jin arrived after a few minutes and walked in the store. I bought some things so I was at the counter, paying. Yoongi and Min Gyu were still outside and I wondered what other talks they were having.

"I am sorry, Ji Hwa-ssi. I got stuck in traffic." Jin apologised and grabbed my shopping bag.
I smiled. "It's alright. It isn't your fault. I am so tired. Let's go." I said.
He smiled shyly and clutched my hand. I was surprised as he entwined our fingers. "Let's go."

Outside, Tae was enjoying his ramyeon beside Yoongi and Min Gyu. They all looked up as we approached them. And I saw how automatically Yoongi's eyes traveled to our entwined hands. My heart skipped a beat and for some reason, i felt uneasy. Dont know what for.

"Appa! Can I come with you to the company every day?" Min Gyu asked with a pout.
I spoke before Jin could. "Adeur, you will attend school from the day after."
Min Gyu pouted.
"Come here." I gestured him to come to me.
Yoongi stood up with Min Gyu, clutching his hand tightly. Tae was enjoying his ramyeon with a smile on us.
"I guess you met each other already. This is Kim Ji Hwa, my...fiance." Jin introduced.
"Yeah, we introduced each other...long time ago." Yoongi said.
I couldn't read his face because he was wearing a mask.
"We will leave then. See you tomorrow." Jin smiled.

Min Gyu turned to Yoongi. "Ahjussi, I will make sure we meet again soon." He promised.
"Min Gyu-ya, be a good boy and listen to your eomma." Yoongi patted his head gently. From his eyes, I could tell he was smiling.
I gulped down nervously. I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. Min Gyu and Yoongi high fived and they finally let go off their hands.

Tae grinned at us. "Have a great night." He said and winked at us. I blushed scarlet and Jin laughed.
Yoongi's eyes were cold and hard and he gave me a last look, a glare, as we drove away from them.

Jin seemed to be in a good mood and I debated if I should say Yoongi is the real father of Min Gyu. I threw him several nervous glances. And finally decided to talk to him later  when we both would have time.

"What's wrong? You wanna say something?" Jin asked.
I turned to see Min Gyu at the back seat who was fast asleep after an exhausted day.
"No." I said.
"You seem to be a little nervous." He said quietly, eyes on the road.
I shook my head, staring ahead. "It's nothing."
He stayed silent.

Jin parked the car infront of our building and killed the engine. He glanced at Min Gyu before speaking.
"Um...if you want to share something, you can. Dont think too much before telling me anything. I will listen to whatever you have to say." He assured and placed his hand over mine.
I smiled. "It is really nothing." I lied.
He pressed his lips together. "Okay. But just know, I am always there."
I smiled and nodded.

He unbuckled his seat belt and leaned closer to me. I knew what was coming and prepared myself. He kissed my forehead first before planting a soft kiss on my lips. My heart raced. He looked at me in the eye for a moment and leaned again for a real kiss. I could tell he was nervous because he seemed a little hesitant. He tilted my chin up and kissed me gently. I closed my eyes and slowly kissed him back. It lasted for a short and sweet moment. We pulled away and smiled at each other though my heart screamed it was a bad idea. What? I liked Jin, didn't I? We would get married so why would i feel wrong about it?

"Good night." He smiled.


Thanks for reading.😌💜

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