A stubborn climb

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"Cheeks! Ya ready or what?" Katsuki called out. It was a Friday, a Friday evening to be more specific. They were getting ready for a date they had been planning for nearly a week. Ochako and Katsuki planned to climb Mt.Fuji during the night so they could see the beautiful sunrise in the morning. Katsuki knew exactly where they were going and what they were going to do. He was a frequent climber after all. On the other hand, Ochako knew nearly nothing about climbing. She did have faint memories of climbing a few mountains with her family when she was young. But, she had never seen the sun rise on Mt.Fuji. It had been said that it was gorgeous, and nothing like any other sunrise. "I'm ready, give me a sec!" Ochako answered as she rushed down the stairs of the dorms. "Alright, let's go. I have everything ready" Katsuki said as he swung on his *extremely* large backpack and a tent bag.  He didn't want to bring too many things, only the necessary. Katsuki would have chosen a smaller backpack if it weren't for the surprise he had planned. "So..the view..is it really all that for us to spend the night in a mountain?" Ochako asked in curiosity. "Hell yeah! I wouldn't be taking you there if it weren't for that damn sunrise!" Katsuki answered, gasping dramatically as she dared to question his planning. He hadn't shown her any photos throughout the week of planning since he wanted it to be a surprise. "Okay okay! Don't get so dramatic about it!" Ochako giggled, hanging her head slightly back as she waved her hand up and down. She was excited to see the mysterious sunrise. But, she was worried about the crowd. She knew that Japan's mountains are a popular tourist spot. Surely they'll barely have any space to go anything. Not to worry, Katsuki had everything under control. Ochako just didn't know anything about it.

After they had reached the bottom of the mountain, it was obvious that it's going to be crowded. It worried Ochako but just as she opened her mouth to speak, Katsuki grabbed her arm and started to pull her away from everyone and to a really small crowd. "Why are we going away from the trail?" Ochako asked, confused by katsuki's sudden actions. "Somewhere not crowded like the Yoshida Trail." He answered as they reached a trail meant for more experienced hikers, like Katsuki. "Wait..won't this trail be a little too hard to climb at night?...you know what, I can do it! Let's climb this mountain!" Ochako said determinedly. Katsuki raised a brow and chuckled, shaking his head slightly. Nothing could go wrong with him around. "If you say so" Katsuki chuckled as he already began to walk up the trail. By walk, I mean hold on to rocks and crawl. Ochako quickly started to follow. The first part of the trail was fairly easy. If you don't add slipping rocks and cramped hands. "Don't hurt yourself, we still have a long way to go" Katsuki warned her as he gave her a pair of gloves and elbow and knee pads after the rock climb. There were still plenty of rocks to climb before they would reach a good spot to camp and watch the sun rise.

"Why couldn't we just go on the Yoshida Trail?" Ochako pouted as she slipped the gloves on, already wishing she was in one of the souvenir shops on the Yoshida trail. "Because it's less crowded here and we wouldn't actually be climbing" Katsuki said while putting his backpack back on. "You have a point" Ochako mumbled as she finally got done. Before they went back to climbing the harder parts, Katsuki gave her a helmet and hooked her to him. All for her safety. "Let's go..!" Ochako smiled, getting motivated to climb. Katsuki chuckled and started to walk to the rocks. It was a pretty steep climb so he went first, to make sure there were no loose rocks. especially since it was the Gotemba trail. The trail was mostly meant for climbers who have climbed the mountain before, or more experienced climbers.

As the two climbed together, it got darker and darker, which made Katsuki climb quicker to get to a safer spot for them to camp. "Come on Cheeks, just a bit more and we can sit down." Katsuki encouraged the tired brunette. Ochako took a deep breath and nodded as she climbed the last few rocks. The two finally sat down as the sky turned pitch black. "That's enough for tonight.." Katsuki mumbled, placing his hands on his hips. "Can we go a little further? Please~!" Ochako let her voice drag out "I wanna be as high as possible to see the sun rise!" She continued with a determined look on her face. "You seriously want to climb at night? Even after those hours of climbing you wanna go?" Katsuki asked, never expecting her wanting to continue. "definitely !" she jumped. Katsuki sighed and smiled, shaking his head as he got up. "Sure, just don't blame me for your sore legs. Blame your damn stubborn mind" Katsuki said as he walked forward towards the next set of rocks they had to climb. "Huh? I'm not stubborn!" Ochako giggled, walking directly behind him with her hands holding on to the straps of her backpack.

They started to climb again but Ochako was having more trouble than usual since she was tired.  Katsuki tried to go slower but just as the two were near the top, Ochako slipped on a small rock and fell. Fortunately she and Katsuki were still strapped together..unfortunately, katsuki was pulled down, nearly slipping as well. He heard Ochako scream and quickly went into hero mode. Katsuki held on to the rocks tightly as he looked down at Ochako, who was clinging on to the rope with her legs, placing her fingers on her body to make herself float. Katsuki  sighed in relief and began to pull them up. "Are you okay, Cheeks?" Katsuki panted while pulling the girl down, making her deactivate her quirk so she wouldn't float again. "I-I'm okay.." She mumbled, holding on to katsuki tightly. Katsuki rubbed her back gently , holding ochako closely. "I should have known it wasn't safe..this is my damn fault.." "No it isn't..!"....

After talking things out and trying to cheer up the mood, they fell asleep in eachother's arms. Only barely woke up when he heard the birds chirping. He quickly checked his watch and saw that it was nearly sunrise. He had no time to set up his surprise. Katsuki woke Ochako up "huh?..is it time already?" She yawned as she sat up. "Yeah! it is!" Katsuki said while lifting her up and taking her to the edge to get a clear view. Ochako was quickly awake after that, really excited to see the famous sunrise they climbed the mountain for. The sky got brighter as the sun began to shine through the thick clouds, giving off a number of warm colors in the sky. You could hear the astonished gasps and wows of the other climbers. It was such an aesthetic view. The purples, pinks, yellows..all reflecting on the sky to create a truly beautiful sight to see. Ochako and Katsuki continued to hold eachother closely as they watched the sun continue to riese. "Ya know,..your late night climb didn;t let me set up a surprise I had planned for ya" Katsuki chuckled softly. "Well, this is more than enough, so don't worry about it" Ochako smiled. The two then stayed silent to enjoy the gorgeous moment before them, happily in eachothers arms.

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