Push me down

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"Bakugou! Please go out with me!"
Ochako would yell to Bakugou everyday. She loved him dearly, and she made sure the other would know. Everyday, she'd walk up to him, now and yell out similar phrases, in hopes of his approval.
"Goddam- No!"
He would always yell, pushing the girl away and scoffing, looking to the side and walking off, leaving her.

Everyday..Everyday she would attempt to get his love. Giving him all her attention, all her energy and love. But all he would do is push it away.
"Bakugou! I love you!"
She said with the same smile, hands behind her back as she bowed slightly to him
"Good for you.."
Bakugou stared down at her, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Bakugou has always admired the girls determination, strength and overall confidence. But he would never admit it. He would never reply to the girl positively, no matter how much he agreed with her, or how much he wanted to tell her how he felt.

"Bakugou-Kun! I really like you..would you go out with me?"
She asked with her usual confidence, giving him her brightest smile.
"In your dreams, Round Face"
Bakugou rolled his eyes.

Days and days would go by as Ochako's confidence and determination to have the boy fall for her slowly fell. Her attempts were less cheerful. Bakugou would only come to realize it when Ochako finally decided to confront him properly, that day, thing changed between the two.

"I've tried everything possible to earn your heart for days on end..am I not good enough for you, Bakugou?"
She asked, her usual cheerful smile now a frown, looking to the side as she rubbed her arm gently. That's when Bakugou snapped, his eyes wide as he put his arms infront of him in defense, panicking as he thought he had ruined their friendship.
"Eh-?! No no! You are perfect, idiot! Don't ever think that because I put you down, dumb*ss!"

Ochako could only giggle and smile, making Bakugou confused as he didn't understand. She smiled widely and patted the others shoulder
"I knew it..don't worry, I love you too, Bakugou-Kun!"
She giggled, watching Bakugou's face heat up, both from anger and from the compliment
"Cheeks you sly little-"
She cut him off as she ran off while laughing
"Get back here!"
He yelled while going after her, smiling as the two ran together happily

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