Hazel and Frank

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I don't really have anything to say here besides the fact that the people from the past will have their names be underlined so I don't have to keep writing 'past (blank)'. So here's the chapter.
Hazel's POV:

Frank and I were training at Camp J when there was a small light that started getting bigger. Frank put his bow and arrow on his back and I saw the familiar backpack that appeared. I holstered (AN: is that the right word?) my weapon. A second later the light engulfed us. I closed my eyes. when I opened them a few seconds later I started seeing something that I recognized as CHB. Then I was at CHB and I saw Frank. He looked confused. I examined my surroundings and I saw something that surprised me. I saw myself. A younger version of myself. Next to past me was what I assumed to be past Frank, Leo, Piper, and Jason. Then I saw the Piper and Jason from my timeline. Piper and Jason turned toward me and Frank and handed us a letter saying to read it, follow the instructions, and then to go talk to them. And we did. the 2 of us went to Jason and Piper. Frank spoke, "So what did you want to talk to us about?"

Piper looked like she was going to respond but Jason beat her to it. "Piper wants to show you 2 someone."

Piper nodded and said, "Follow me." We obeyed. She was walking towards the Hermes table. I had no idea who she wanted us to see. When we got there I looked at the person she was pointing to and he looked familiar. She then started speaking, "Guys! Haven't you realized that this is Percy!?!"

"Whoah! THATS PERCY!!!!! HES ADORABLE!!!!" I yelled that.

"Hazel calm down." Frank said looking a bit startled at my reaction.

"Sorry. But he's just too cute."

"I know Hazel. This is the first time I've never seen him this calm before. He looks peaceful for a change."

"I know right?!" Piper asked overly excited. "But let's go back to the head table. Chiron needs to talk to you."

----Time Skip. Brought to you by a kidnapped Kronos----

Chiron soon finished telling us that we will sleep in the Poseidon cabin. As well as that he gave the speech to Jason and Piper and that he will be giving the speech to the other people coming from the future. Probably so that we weren't worried that we were going to be in trouble. We were walking back to the dining pavilion when there was another ball of light that was getting bigger. We ran towards the dining pavilion just in time to see 2 figures emerging.

That was that chapter. I will upload the next chapter in the next few days.

Here's the question for the chapter. If you get it correct you get 2 blue cookies.

Which book did Annabeth first kiss Percy?

-Mirella and Clary

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