Chapter 10 - The fight

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Damon's P.O.V.

Two weeks had gone by since Elena and I told the important people about the baby. I had spoken to her briefly over those weeks but not every day. I hadn't even left Alaric's apartment. That was annoying him and I could tell.

It was Tuesday and he had to go to that thing called his job. As he moved around getting ready, I sat on his couch to watch some TV. A children's show called Spongebob Squarepants was on and I found it difficult to understand why children liked it so much.

"I don't get it. What's so comical about a talking sponge?" I questioned.

"I don't know, Damon. Why are you asking me?" Alaric asked tiredly.

"Because you're the only person I can ask right now," I smirked at him.

"Because he's a funny talking sponge. I don't know. I have to get to work."

"Aw come on, Ric," I whined. "Take the day off and hang out with your best buddy."

Alaric glared at me as he grabbed his jacket then sighed. "Damon, why don't you head back home? I've seen Stefan and Elena in school. They're perfectly fine meaning you can go home now," he said.

I gasped, putting my hand over my heart. "Alaric Saltzman, are you kicking me out?"

He groaned and opening the door, then shouted over his shoulder as he closed it, "Goodbye Damon!"

The door closed and I looked back at the TV. The yellow sponge was annoying me with his laughter, so I shut the TV off. With Alaric gone, I had no one to annoy. I started to think of what he said about me going back home. Maybe it was okay to go back now. In the brief conversations I've had with Elena, she had said that things between her and Stefan were good. That wasn't surprising to me at all.

"If I go back now, Saint Stefan won't be home," I thought out loud. He would be in school playing human with the other boys and girls, Elena included. I could always go home, go out around the time Stefan got home, then just go back late at night and stay in my room.

That seemed immature though. I thought about it. Was I really hiding from my little brother? I was stronger than him, faster than him, and smarter than him. Stefan could do no damage to me. Even if he did, I wouldn't deny the fact that I deserved it. I stood up and grabbed my leather jacket, putting it on quickly before picking up my car keys. I decided that it was time to go home and that it was time to face Stefan. I could deal with whatever happened.

I got into my car and drove at my usual speed. I was anxious to get home and sleep in my own bed instead of Alaric's couch. I got to the Boarding House pretty quickly, as always, and still had a while until Stefan got home from school. I wandered upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed, instantly falling asleep when my head hit the pillow.

Hours had to have passed. I heard someone clear their throat. I lifted my head off of my pillow and looked over at the doorway groggily. I saw Stefan leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Welcome home," he said plainly.

I grinned at him, "Stefan! Little brother. How was school?"

"What are you doing back?"

I sat up and got out of bed, holding my arms out. "I missed you, brother dear."

He narrowed his eyes at me and I chuckled. You could never mess around with Stefan. "It was a joke. It wouldn't kill you to laugh at one once in a while." I pushed him out of the way gently and walked downstairs, heading straight for the bourbon. I knew I would need a glass or two of that stuff to get me through what was about to happen with Stefan.

"I'll ask again, Damon. Why are you back?" Stefan asked once more.

I turned to him after I poured myself a glass of bourbon. "It's my house too. I can come and go whenever I want to," I smirked.

"Not when you got my girlfriend pregnant."

The joking manner was gone as I took a sip from the glass. "How is Elena doing? I haven't really been able to speak to her."

Stefan crossed his arms across his chest and took a few steps closer to me. "Elena is fine. She's going to the doctor's today with Aunt Jenna. I offered to go but she said no."

I chuckled as I heard the hurt tone in his voice when Stefan said Elena didn't want him to go to the doctor's. "Of course she didn't want you to go. It's not like you're the Father," I said.

His eyes turned dark. I had pissed him off.

"I'm not the Father but I should be," he growled.

"Why should you, Stefan?"

"Because I'm her boyfriend, because I'm the one who is with her almost every day taking care of her. Where have you been, Damon? You've been hiding at Alaric's like a coward drinking nonstop."

"Now that's not true!" I defended myself. "I watched TV most of the time."

Stefan shook his head and unfolded his arms. "You don't deserve this baby, Damon. I know exactly what you're going to do."

Now it was my turn to get pissed off. I moved closer to him and soon we were right in front of each other. "What am I going to do, Stefan?" I asked in a low tone.

"You're going to get bored. You're not going to help Elena out. When that baby is born, you'll stick around for a while, come see the baby maybe once or twice a week, and after a while, you're going to disappear."

I laughed in his face and took another sip from my glass. He was beyond wrong and I was going to tell him that. "Listen, little bro," I smirked. "Elena is pregnant with my baby and I know that grinds your gears, but deal with it. You have no idea how wrong you are. I'm staying in Mystic Falls for good now because that baby and Elena will not be left alone." I stalked away from him to pour myself some more bourbon. My glass was close to empty and I definitely needed more.

"Because you love her, right?"

I ignored his question. I didn't have to answer. He knew that I loved Elena. I knew it too. I loved everything about her. Elena in my eyes was a warrior. She fought for what she believed in and fought against what she didn't. She stood up for her friends, including me, and was always there for them and her family. Elena was put through a lot that she shouldn't have been through, but she held her head high through it all. She was strong. She was beautiful. She was perfect in every single way. She was also stubborn as hell, but I could deal with that. Elena cared for me, which is more than anyone else had done. How could I not love a girl like Elena?

"Answer the question, Damon."

I turned to face him. "I really don't feel like answering anymore questions, Stefan. Why don't you go out and find a bunny to eat? Maybe even a deer, if you're lucky?"

I was walking on dangerous territory by speaking to him like that but I didn't care.

"Elena is my girlfriend, Damon," Stefan said.

"No shit, Sherlock. You think I don't know that?" I rushed over to him in seconds. "This was an accident. I understand you're pissed off but you need to get over it. Elena is keeping that baby and despite what you may think, I am sticking around in this town to help her and be there for our baby. I don't need to answer to you about why I'm staying," I spat in his face.

Before I could even register what was happening, Stefan's fist swung at my fist and knocked me onto my back. The glass fell out of my hand and hit the floor, shattering into a million pieces. I stood up holding my chin. "So that's how you want to play? Fine." I rushed over and grabbed his shoulders, slamming him into the wall. He pushed me right back. Colors were flying around us as we zoomed back and forth, swinging punches left and right.

I hadn't wanted things to end up like this, but Stefan pushed me over the edge. If he wanted a fight, he was going to get a fight.

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