05. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘨𝘶𝘺

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the bad guy

Angeline was not prepared to see Grace the next Monday at school. She had avoided the girls group chat since the party on Saturday night, knowing if she saw Grace right now then she wouldn't be able to control her big mouth. However, if she was being totally honest, Grace violating girl code by making out with Angeline's ex-of-a-week wasn't the main priority taking up Angeline'd mind.

Mitch's words followed Angeline around like the plague, dozens of different conspiracies filling her head. What was Mitch up to? What was her family up to?

Whenever the security man tried to look at her or talk to her, she made sure that he knew she wasn't pleased with him. Mitch didn't seem to particularly care that Angeline wasn't bugging him; going about his business like usual.

"Are you gonna confront her?" Ciara questioned as she watched Angeline sit on the bottom stair to put her shoes on.

"I don't know," she admitted, ignoring Mitch who was sitting at the island in the kitchen, going through paperwork. "I feel like I should but I don't know if I have the energy to fight with her today."

Ciara sighed in agreement, fiddling with her new pink hair. It was a soft bubblegum colour that complimented her warm beige skin beautifully and Angeline had nearly screamed when she saw it this morning.

"Grace shouldn't get away with it, though," she huffed, folding her arms across her chest as Angeline finally finished tying her laces.

"I know," Angeline groaned. "She's pissed me right off."

"Well, look at what I got to cheer you up after school."

Angeline glanced into the bag that Ciara was holding open, the brunette catching sight of the small ziplock tucked away in one of the pockets. Inside were two pre-rolls, causing the two girls to giggle and shake their heads.

"Ciara," Angeline whined quietly, glancing over to where she could see Mitch still sat at the island, minding his own business. "You know my dad would flip his shit if he ever found out you had that here."

The pink-haired girl said nothing but giggled more as she slipped the zip-lock into Angeline's bag instead. They didn't say anything to Mitch as they linked arms and left the house, Angeline immediately squinting in the bright sunshine.

"Ah, I love this weather," she mumbled.

Ciara scoffed, pulling her sunglasses down from her hair onto her nose. "I would trade this for the middle of London any day. You're crazy, girl."

"If you moved to London, you'd miss it here. Trust me," Angeline insisted as she slipped into the passenger side of Ciara's Jeep Wrangler. "I'm going back for a couple of weeks once we graduate, then I think I'm gonna try and get my mum to start visiting here instead."

"Fair enough."

About fifteen minutes later, the two teenagers pulled up in the car park and were heading towards the front of the school. Angeline felt her heartbeat pick up a little upon noticing Grace stood next to Paige by their usual meeting spot, her brows furrowing absentmindedly into a small glare.

"Maybe I should hear her out first," Angeline whispered to Ciara. "And then I will have a reason to punch her in the fucking dick."

"She doesn't have-"

"Angel, Ciara!" Paige rushed over, grabbing both their hands and pulling them towards Grace. "You guys have been totally M.I.A since the party. So boring without you."

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