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"let me show you guys a party trick" jj announces as he stands up next to me on the bow. "hey pope, can you go a little faster?"

everyone begins to move out of the way and i sit on the tip of the boat, eyeing jj to see what he does next. he stands with one foot next to me and raises his beer bottle to a couple inches above his face. he opens his mouth as beer flys out of the bottle, completely missing him and dripping down onto me below him.

"gross jj, stop! you're getting beer all over me!" i screech sitting up more to push him back. all of a sudden the boat jerks to a stop, sending jj flying forwards and me backwards into the water. i felt my back slap the surface and all the air leave my lungs. i submerged from the water coughing and groaning in pain.

"jesus pope!" i vaguely heard kie yell over the ringing in my ears.

"you okay juno? jj?" john b yelled from the side of the boat after checking on the others.

"i think my heels touched the back of my head." jj choked out as he floated above the water.

"i just swallowed more water than i have in my whole life." i replied making my way back to the boat.

"pope what did you do?" jj groaned as he followed after me. i grabbed the side of the boat and tried to pull myself back up but failed miserably and fell back into the water.

"sandbar. the channel changed." pope replied apologetically. i tried to pull myself onto the boat again, kicking my feet in the water for more power.

"no shit." jj said from behind me. suddenly i felt two hands on my upper thighs, right below my ass, and they pushed me up. "i saved the beer though!"

"jj get your hands off my ass!" i yelled crawling onto the boat next to john b.

"you're welcome!" he smirked looking up at me. i looked back at him wanting nothing more than to slap that smirk off his face.

"hey watch it." john b warned glaring at his friend in the water.

"guys," i rung out my now wet hair as pope looked into the water behind jj. "i think there's a boat down there."

"no way" kie rolled her eyes and turned towards me, checking if i was alright.

"no guys i'm serious. there's a boat down there." we all rushed over to the side of the boat and looked at where he was pointing.

"oh shit he's right. let's go." john b and kiara took off they're clothes and dove into the water to investigate.

"you think there's a dead body down there?" i groaned and watched them jump in the water, jumping in after them.

we swam down to the boat, the salty water stinging my eyes as we swam around it. i felt my lungs tighten as i grabbed the top of the boat, pushing off of it and swimming back to the surface.

"you guys saw that?" jj exclaimed looking around at us. "that's a grady-white! a new one of those is 500 gs!"

we pulled ourselves back onto the boat, john b helping me up this time, and they were all buzzing with excitement.

"that's the boat i saw when i surfed the surge." john b said. i turned towards kiara who looked extremely concerned.

"you surfed the surge?"

"so that's where you went last night?" me and kie questioned him at the same time. the boys hyped him up and he smiled at me and shrugged, mouthing a quick sorry before turning back to kie.

"do we know who's boat that is?" pope asked while john b pulled out the anchor.

"no, but we're about to find out." john b smiled and continued to pull out the anchor, concern filling my face.

"dude it's too deep." jj told him but john b merely shut him down.

"oh for the weak and feeble jj." i scoffed at him in disbelief.

"john b you are not going down there." i said and hoped for once in his life he listened to me. i already lost one family member by drowning. kie shared the same concern as me and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"diver down fool." pope saluted john b as he stood on the edge of the boat, anchor in hand.

"yeah he is!" jj shoved john b off the boat and into the water. i turned and watched him sink before yelling at jj.

"what is wrong with you! he's gonna drown!" i shoved jj, him barley moving considering how much stronger he was than me.

"oh shut up he knows how to swim." he laughed at me and went over to the edge of the boat to wait on him with pope and kie. i huffed and ran my hand through my hair before joining them at the side. we waited for another minute and there was still no sign of john b.

"should we go get him?" as soon as pope asked john b popped out of the water coughing and breathing heavily.

"any dead bodies?"
"looting potential?"

we all questioned john b as he pulled himself back onto the boat.

"no. i found this motel key." i laughed and turned around, shaking my head at his behavior.

"your telling me you almost died for a motel key?" i scolded, but he didn't listen.

"guys we should report the wreck to the coast guard," kie suggested as we started on the route back home. "maybe we'll get a finders fee."

"yeah and not work all summer." jj agreed looking at the rest of us.

"thanks agatha ya batch!"

toxic; jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now