Bonding Time!

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(Holland's POV)

He stood there shocked and frozen with pink cheeks. I laugh at him a he puts a hand to his neck nervously.

"H-hey Holland, what are y-you doing here?" He asked and I laughed as His blush deepened when he walked forward.

"I live here dummy!" I said and he chuckled nervously

"Uh...may I...uh...come in?" He asked quietly and I stepped aside "Thank you" he said and I chuckled. Suddenly I got a text message from Kate. I checked it and gasped before laughing loudly. Carter gave me a confused me.

Kate: Jared is a sexy beast guys😏❤️

Ryland: What the Hell?

Harmony: Huh?

Alfonso: Come again?

River: ... No Comment...

Me: U ok K??

She didn't answer so I decided to call her and she answered on the second ring.

"Hey Holls, what's up" She yelled in the phone and I chucked.

"Kate, Um, why did you send us a group message saying that 'Jared is a sexy beast?" I asked her and she paused. I heard a scream and chuckled to myself. She was going to murder him.

"Holls, I'm going to have to call you back" she said and I knew she was fuming.

"Sure, just don't murder anyone" I said laughing.

"No promises, but If I did would you bail me out?" She asked

"Absolutely!" I said and grinned

"Thanks Holls" she said

"Anytime K" I said then paused "Just don't incapacitate him, Please! I'm pretty sure he likes to walk" I said and I heard her chuckle.

"He should have thought about that before he sent that text" She said and I chuckled.

"Okay, Have Fun" I yelled before hanging up. I turned back to Carter to see him looking at me curiously. I shook my head. "My friend hates her project partner, and I'm pretty sure he likes her, so now their making each other's life a living hell because deep down they both secretly like each other". We both laughed and the kids ran in. A little boy with dark blonde hair and hazel/green eyes ran in while holding my sister's hand. Both me and Carter looked at them with raised eyebrows. Immediately the little boy let go and his cheeks flushed red. He ran behind Carter' legs and Tori did the same to me. I turned and saw my baby sister blushing.

Oh Jesus

She has a crush on her best-friend

This sounds so familiar

After I came to my horrible conclusion, I immediately push the thought to the back of my mind. I have at least a good 12-13 years to keep that from happening ever again. I smiled at the little boy behind Carter's legs. He blushed even more and looked at Tori. I bent down while stick my hand out.

"Hey sweetheart, my name's Holland, but you can call me Holly. I'm Tori's big sister" I said and he stepped away from his brother and ran towards me. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. To say I was surprised was a understatement.

"Hi Miss Holly, I'm Danny" he said and I was just about to say something when Carter cut me off.

"Danny! You can't just kiss a girl!" He said and I chuckled.

"But bubby I'm just being nice" Danny said and both me and Tori giggled.

"Oh don't mind bubby, he's just mad that he didn't think of the idea first" I said which caused Carter's face to turn into a tomato and Danny to giggle. I stood up and turned both of the kids. "Now why don't you two play in the tree house while me and bubby talk" I said with a smirk as I looked back towards Carter. They both giggled and ran outside. I turned my attention back to the boy who is currently standing in my doorway looking like he'll pass out any minute now. "Come on, I don't bite" I said while making my way to the living room. We took a seat on the sofa facing the window. I watched as Danny and Tori held hands while climbing the ladder of the tree house. It almost made me laugh because that exactly what Dean and I did when my dad added the tree house to our property. Carter cleared his throat.

"So Holland, how's it going?" He asked nervously and I raised a eyebrow.

"Fine, I guess"

"Oh, okay" he said and we sat in awkward silence for a few minutes until I decided to break it.

"So our siblings are best friends huh!" I said with enthusiasm and he chuckled.

"Yeah I guess so, I never really get a moment of silence anymore because Tori's all Danny ever talks about" he said and I giggle.

"Ditto! Danny is always on Tori's mind nowadays!" We were just laughing and talking about our sibling, when the two little munchkins walked in.

"Bubby! I'm hungry" Danny pouted

"Me too syrup" Tori said and Carter laughed out loud. I glared at him but he ignored me.

"Ok guys lets go get something to eat" I said and both of their little faces brightened immediately.

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