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Sirius was at a loss about what to do.

He heard the prophecy, knows that Reagan can be used as a weapon by either side against the other, and that currently Voldie's side seems to have the upper hand.

His fists clenched so hard that that his knuckles turned white, and his nails pressed crescent moons into the palms of his hand.

He jumped as he heard a loud band, and the sound of a body hitting the floor.

A quiet whimper reached his ears, and he cautiously moved towards the sound, his wand shaking slightly from nerves.

"Hello?" It was a woman's voice, scratchy and broken, but it was a woman's voice. "is somebody there? I need help!"

Sirius slowly moved forward, peeking around the shelves. He spotted a small, frail form hunched over in front of a doorway. She whimpered in pain, and Sirius slowly moved forward. She looked up, and his heart stopped.



He ran towards her without a word, and enveloped her in his arms, crying softly into her messy hair. His arms were tight around her as she wrapped her frail arms around his torso, shaking with happy sobs as she buried her face into his broad shoulder.

"Oh my god," he muttered. "Oh my god. You're here. You're alive. You're alive. You're alive." They were a sobbing mess.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," she kept mumbling, hiccuping as she cried.

They parted, and Sirius cupped her face in his shaking hands. It was bruised and scarred with years of abuse, but her eyes were shining and she was still the most beautiful thing Sirius has ever seen in his entire life.

He caressed her cheek, staring deeply into her eyes.

And after fifteen years of pain, grief, crying, and feeling nearly hopeless,

Sirius kissed her.

It tasted like tears, pain, and sorrow.

But mostly, it tasted like fifteen years' worth of love.

They parted, and Reagan ducked her head under Sirius' chin, a smile stretched across her face from ear to ear.

Sirius was still processing that he was actually holding Reagan in his arms. Reagan Potter, the woman he loved, who's been missing for fifteen years, was finally back in his arms.

He felt as if he was whole again. The weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders, and he could just breathe knowing that she was finally safe.

Or, as safe as she could be with the threat of a second wizarding war tipping off the edge of the blade it was so delicately balanced on.

The sound of yelling reached their ears, and their bubble of bliss popped.

Sirius remembered his godson was here, looking for the very woman in his arms, believing that Voldemort was torturing her.

It was a trap. Voldemort set up a trap to lure Harry here to get the prophecy.

How could we be so stupid?

How could I be so stupid?

Sirius climbed to his feet, bringing Reagan up with him.

"C'mon," he whispered wrapping Reagan's arm around the back of his neck, and his own around her waist. She was too weak to walk on her own.

"Do you think you can disapparate?" He asked her.

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