How Farkas Almost Ended the World

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They made quite a stir walking through Whiterun... three members of Companions' inner Circle with the Dragonborn that everyone had thought was dead...

The rumor they let the guards run with was that the masked madmen had attacked the Companions by mistake and that their Harbinger was holed up in her study, reading up on this threat while the real Dragonborn assisted them in going to Solstheim to investigate. Which meant the entire trip to Windhelm to catch the damn ship out of Skyrim, Vilkas would have to act like he'd left his wife home at Jorrvaskr and was now traveling with a stranger.

Not that he and Kaya were big on public displays of affection, but he did like to hold her hand while they walked... he liked to be close by her side, where he could easily hear and smell her heartbeat— it relaxed his inner wolf to keep his mate close...

Walking through Whiterun like she was a stranger was considerably discomforting for him.

Fortunately, when they got well out of the city, easily onto a mostly deserted road, Kaya pulled her mask off with a relieved sigh.

"I'm not in the habit of wearing this anymore," she grumbled.

"I'm not in the habit of seeing you in it, love," Vilkas shook his head in relief.

They were somewhere on the outskirts of Whiterun hold when they happened upon a giant that was enraged at a small group of hunters. Kaya was quick to pull her mask back on, and she and Aela pulled out their bows. Vilkas and Farkas quickly charged the giant, Farkas with the sword and shield Kaya had gotten him, and Vilkas with Wuuthrad.

It didn't take long for the giant to fall, and once the hunters had thanked them for their help and taken their leave, Kaya pulled her mask back off.

"At least that went better than the last time I tried to help Farkas kill a giant," Kaya sighed as Vilkas cleaned Wuuthrad.

"When did you help me kill a giant?" Farkas asked in confusion. Vilkas and Aela looked at her in confusion as well.

"Uh..." Kaya trailed off uncertainly looking suddenly sheepish as she glanced between Aela and Farkas.

Vilkas cocked his head curiously at his wife... he could smell a blush rising to her face as it darkened her cheeks.

"You know," Kaya said with a dismissive wave of her hand, "forget I said anything... we should—"

"Hold on..." Aela suddenly narrowed her eyes at Kaya. "You weren't that Stormcloak girl Farkas chased all around the outside of Whiterun five years ago... were you?!" Aela asked in disbelief.



Farkas and Vilkas both looked in surprised confusion from Kaya to Aela and back again, but then Vilkas looked to Farkas and saw his eyebrows suddenly raise in recognition...

"You!" Farkas barked suddenly pointing at Kaya.

Kaya let out a very uncharacteristic squeak and jumped to hide behind Vilkas. "I said I was sorry! I'm a much better shot now!" Kaya called over Vilkas's shoulder.

"By Ysmir..." Vilkas chuckled. He held out his arms in front of an advancing Farkas, half joking, half expecting he'd actually have to defend his wife from his brother... "what in Oblivion?"

"You shot me!" Farkas yelled indignantly pointing over Vilkas's shoulder.

"You chased me all around the whole city trying to cut my head off while I was trying to apologize!" Kaya yelled back.

"I thought you were some renegade soldier coming to attack us!" Farkas threw his arms in the air... he sounded angry but Vilkas could see he was trying not to laugh now.

"I was trying to help you and shoot the giant!" Kaya replied, "I was scared to pick up a bow for months after that!"

"If you weren't our enemy, why did you run?" Aela asked in an even tone.

"Uh..." Kaya leaned over Vilkas's shoulder and gestured at Farkas. "This guy was chasing me with that giant sword of his, yelling that he was gonna kill me!"

Farkas couldn't hold his laughter in any more at that... he began to snicker, and then to outright laugh.

"It's not funny," Kaya complained, "that was already one of the worst days of my life!"

"I scared the Harbinger!" Farkas doubled over with laughter.

"That was part of why it took me a whole 'nother three years before I joined the Companions," Kaya grumbled, still keeping Vilkas between her and Farkas, "I was terrified this guy was going to recognize me and go back to trying to cut my head off!"

"What else happened that day?" Aela asked curiously.

"That was the day Helgen fell," Kaya said quietly.

Vilkas turned and put an arm around her shoulders and Farkas began trying to control his laughter. Farkas took several deep breaths but couldn't wipe the grin from his face as he stepped forward and put a hand on Kaya's shoulder.

"Sorry Harbinger," he said warmly. Then Vilkas let him pull her from him and forward into a hug. "I'm glad you got away from me that day," he chuckled.

"Me too," Kaya grumbled, but she smiled and returned the hug. When they stepped back Farkas laughed again and Kaya rolled her eyes before leaning back into Vilkas.

Vilkas shook his head and wrapped his arms around her. They were all laughing about it now, but Vilkas didn't want to imagine where he'd be now if she hadn't gotten away back then... "to think,"He sighed, "my brother almost ended the world."

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