~Chapter One~

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My name is June, June Cross. Ever since 3rd grade I've been "shy". Yes I know being shy is probably something everyone goes through, but I mean I'm really really "shy". I just like to keep to myself that's all, so what if I dont talk alot. People just dont take the time to get to know me. Plus it's hard to not be "shy" when your being bullied. I feel like it's better to keep to myself so I wont hurt anyone, so no one can hurt me.

I do have friends though, well best friends. They've been with me through everything. Katie, Joshua and I make a great team. We're always there for eachother and we tell eachother everything. Well I do have a few things I havent shared, but thats ok I guess. It cant hurt them if they dont know about it. Anyway, our trio is breaking because, im moving, again. Farther away too. Currently I live in Ohio and now we're moving out of sate, all the way across the country. We're moving to California...
I woke up groggily, my hair everywhere and my alarm was blaring in my ear. I turned it off after reading the time, 6:00, when I realized it was Monday.

It took us all last week to move into our new house in California so I didnt go to school that week. But the week passed pretty quickly and now it was Monday again, my first day of yet another new school. Yup. Another. Continuously moving was apart of my life now, and it has been ever since about the summer before 4th grade. Not because my parents were getting new and better jobs or promotions. Nope, because firstly, one of my parents lives in Wisconsin and second we move for "the better" my mom says. To keep us safe. Safe from what you ask? Well only from the threats we've been recieving from my ex step-dad ever since they divorced.
When he stepped into my life he changed it, not in a good way though. He made it worse, yup everything only gets worse for me, never better. He changed the way I saw things and the way I saw my own mother. He ruined our so-called family, he ruined me... But enough of that now.

After managing to roll out of bed and get dressed I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I looked up into the mirror and sighed. "Makeup could never fix this mess." I stated. Quickly, I dried my face and poured myself a bowl of frosted mini-wheats in the silence of my new home. I set the box down and saw a small peice of paper attached to it. A note from my mom.

-"Good morning Ju-Ju, I see you're eating your favorite cereal again. I had to take your sisters to school early to get Delilah on time for tryouts. Remember, volleyball. ~Love You, Mom P.S. Make your first day a good one so you can tell me all about it!-

I wrinkled my nose after reading it. "Ju-Ju, really mom...im not 5 anymore," I thought to myself. I glanced at the time on the microwave. Ugh 6:30. Why does she make me wake up so early knowing I dont take long to get ready? Throwing myself over the couch I turned on the tv. "Well I have an hour," I said looking down at my hair in between my fingertips, "guess I can change my highlights for my first day."
I scurried up the stairs and fumbled through the many boxes of dye underneath my bathroom sink. Hmmm, blonde would be nice I thought. Soon I began the process I know quite well and, after letting my hair dry, I slowly removed the foil from the random streaks of hair that used to be red and were supposed to be blonde. "NOO!!" I screamed after revealing the streak of NEON GREEN hair. I LEFT IT ON TO LONG! UGH! IM SUCH A SCREW UP! Once I'd calmed down I washed my hair and stared in the mirror. "Great," I sighed a tears trying to break out, "ugly, worthless, bitch, slut, screw up, waste of space, and now, freakin glow in the dark hair."

A/N- YAY, first chapter woo! Well hope u like, I put up 3 chapters for now to keep u busy till I can update it. I'll try and publish 3 chapters at a time so u can keep busy until my first update. Hope whoevers reading this is enjoying it!!! (Oh by the way, it might just be me, but it bothers me not knowing when a chapter was published. Idky Im stupid ok, lol, anyway I'll put the date i wrote/published that chapter so you'll know.) Written: 1/4/15 Publised: 1/6/14

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