~Chapter Two~

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It was 7:30 now and I got in my car and stared driving to my new high school.
Ugh another start to my senior year. This'll be great. (Sarcasm Alert)
As I was driving and listening to Green Day (how ironic) I passed someone. A guy somone. He must've heard the music blaring because he started singing along. "Wow," I thought, "I've found him. I found a guy interested in Green Day. Well I havent exactly seem him but ya know." I slowed down the car, Im not sure why I just did.
The boy finally caught up with me and I said "So you like Green Day?"
"Yeah," he mumbled.
"Umm need a ride?" I asked before I actually thought about what I said.
"Uh sure I guess," he hesitated.
"Hop in." I smiled.
About 2 minutes passed I realized I hadn't asked where he was going.
"Oh um where were you headed," I hesitantly asked. He looked up from the floor. My heart fluttered, wow June, you caught yourself a good one. He brushed a curl out of his face. "Same as you," he chuckeld, "school." Damn...adorable... "What school exactly?" "Jackson High." He said quickly. "Your first day," he added, more of a statement than a question. "Yup," I responded. We sat there in awkward silence for a while until I switched the CD to a Blink 182 CD. He looked up again, sort of surprised. "What?" " Oh, surpirsed I actually listen to them," I stated answering my own question. He smiled and nodded. "You dont talk much." I added. "Neither do I, around certain people unless I feel comfortable." "So, I make you feel comfortable?" He questioned. My heart fluttered again at the sound of his voice. "Uhh y-yeah," I answered shakily. "Well thats good." He smiled and brushed another curl out of his face and revealed his eyes that were framed by plain black glasses. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out I only blused.
Wow...green eyes, even more perfect.
"Do you around picking up strangers often," he inturrupted. "Umm I-I er uhh...no." I stammered. "I just saw you walking in the cold and umm well I felt bad." Another shaky response.

We arrived at school and got out of the car, then I noticed people staring, pointing, and laughing. "Ugh," we both groaned almost in unison. "Sorry about that," the stranger said while we walked towards the door. "Im not exaclty, uhh popular here." "It's ok," I smiled, "I was never popular at any of my other schools, I know how it feels. And I never properly introduced myself, Im June." He paused a while and finally said, "Thats a nice name, Im Ashton." He extending his hand for me to shake, it sent a strong feeling throughout my body when our hands touched. Maybe I feel something for him, or is it the fact that he has the same name as my ex... Great June, another Ashton, what have you got yourself into.
"Well bye," I said opening the door and walking into the busy hallway. "Hey wait up." He grabbed my arm and I stopped, what is this feeling? "Oh, sorry," he whispered letting go of my arm. "Y-yes?" I looked down at my arm whitch had a white imprint of his hand that was fading. He's strong. "I was thinking I could, er, show you around and maybe walk you to class," he mumbled. "Oh, sure, I guess you could do that," I responded playing with a bright green strand of hair. "Great," his face lit up, "it's the least I can do to thank you for giving me a ride." I smiled up at him. He's also quite tall.
A/N- Woop chapter 2!!! I know it may be short, or long I havent read it all the way through yet. Thnx for reading! Oh also I've decided im only going to put up 2 chapters for now. I have to get ready for SCHOOL tomorrow. Im gonna miss wonter break and staying in my pajamas all day.
Written: 1/5/15 Published: 1/6/14

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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