It's more likely than you think
So this dream starts in my bed, supposedly waking up from a long night's sleep I hear a commotion outside. I look out my window and see an actually REAL LIVE BULL runnin around my culdesac. "MOM"! I scream "THERES A BULL IN THE CULDESAC." I don't know what I expected her to do but I felt like she needed to know. Unfortunately, instead of Calling animal control, she decides to take care of this bull herself. I watch in horror as she marches up to the bull and challenges it to a fight. By this time the bull is no longer a regular bull but is instead a man in a Bull mascot costume (A Furry? I sure hope not). Now even more mortified I watch Mom and the Bull man duke it out for a bit, until finally, she pulls out the trump card from her pocket, a bullfighting cape. My mother begins to glow and her clothes turn into a full-fledged bullfighting costume. She expertly taunts the bull and quickly dodges all of its charges. (If you're wondering how the Bull man charges he bends over 90 degrees and runs as fast as he can) Debrah pulls out her sword for the finisher, prepared to stab this bull-man in the chest. But he makes a last-minute turn and is about to hit my mother with his horns when I wake up. I'll never know if my mother survived in that dream.
Also noteworthy is that this is the last dream that ever made me cry. The idea of my mom fighting a costumed man really freaked young Zane out.
My Dreams
ParanormalSometimes I have dreams, My memory of these dreams aren't always clear and the stories tend to be a bit jumpy, a lot of these happen because I ate ice cream before bed. NOTE all names and locations have been changed for safety purposes