About CSSA

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CSSA — Coronation Secret service agents (admins)

Special Information:

Our community provide adverse chances for our members to bring out the best in them through constructive reviewing and immense judging. Coronation secret service agents( CSSA) will be going through each of the member's books and would likely help you in your needs. The CSSA would be heading each court and they will check and keep track on your work how you are doing.

The importance of CSSA: They are members of our courts who will be hand of each courts. The team contains reviewers, graphic designers, profile mentors, etc.

About CLUB: 

The Book Court also have a unique weekly programme Called
Coronation Labelled Unique Books (CLUB) 
that selects diverse book from the Wattpad community for monthly discussion. These books can be chosen by public opinion. This way you can relish your favourite authors and books with people having your same opinion. These books is selected according to who gives the best Reviews in previous assignment It can be books from Wattpad Published or non-Published.

Thank you.

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