1| Oct 1 - Oct 31st

72 6 16



❃ You need to read first 10 chapters of the Book.

If the book do not have 10 chapters, then read all the chapters.

Please tag your admin when you comment, so that we can keep track of you.

❃ 10+ inline comments Each chapter.

❃ MUST give a honest review of the book of minimum 40 words in the your partner's book's last chapter you read.

❃ BOTM is selected by the one who gives excellent review in previous assignment.

Votes are optional, if you like your partner's story you may give or may not, because asking
for Votes is against Wattpad Guidelines.

For extra info, Read "Rules for readers" chapter.

Book of the month
Engraved by ink by imagineTishaD

comment 'done' for BOTM--->>

Tag her with #cbc

P. A. I. R. S.

1. Love hurts, doesn't it? OluwaSijuwomi
     It's not all Roses Aphoridte

2. Twist twirls perils and pearls dramaticaurora
     Dark secrets AnishaMeena

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your partner --->>>

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