Chapter 1: Into a New World

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I want to thank you for checking this out. I just want to say this first that this is my first time writing a Fan-Fic that has My Hero Academia in it.

But! I will write the best story I can for you people reading.

Korra was bored one day on the Air Temple Island, she was laying down on her bed just staring up at the ceiling. She had her hands behind her head as she stared up at the roof she's been watching for the past hour. "Welp! I'm bored out of my mind" Korra said as she sighed in frustration. She turned her head to the right and stared out the window in her room and looked at the portal, the portal that leads to the spirit world. It had only been a few days after she opened it and she hasn't really gone into the spirit world a whole lot. All of a sudden she got this urge like she needed to go visit the spirit world immediately.

So she grabbed her air glider staff and opened it and launched herself out the window. She glided towards the portal and once she landed in front of it she walked right into it without hesitation. Once she entered it, she looked around and admired the beauty that was the spirit world. She walked around and looked at all the different spirts going around. Some that walked by her bowed to her with respect and she returned the gesture.

Once she was finished walking around she headed back towards the portal but just before she re-entered the portal she felt some sort of power rush into her. Like multiple spirits that entered her at once. She was concerned and quickly entered the portal but when she exited the portal she was met with a sight she didn't recognize. "Where the hell am I?" Korra said to herself as she twirled her staff as she walked forward.

She was walking along on the sidewalk as she looked around the city. She looked over at a glass window display and saw her reflection. She ran right up to it to get a better look and when hse did, she groaned in annoyance. "Great! just great! Not only am I transported to a different place or world I'm 14 years old again!" Korra shouted in anger and threw her fist back and some earth moved up and fire shot out of her fist. She stormed off and angrily walked towards a bridge. There wasn't anybody nearby except for a boy with green hair walking under the bridge she was on.

She leaned on the rails and was thinking about her situation when she heard some commotion happen under the bridge she was standing on. She then immediately realized that the boy from before didn't come out from beneath the bridge. She jumped over the railing and landed on the ground below and saw the boy she had seen earlier being suffocated by a mass of something she has never seen before.

Korra's P.O.V

"Hey, you! get off the kid" I shouted at the weird mass in front of me. I saw the eyes of the sludge and the boy turn and look at me. "You better run away from here little girl before I come for you next," The sludge said to me. I formed my hands into a fist at being called a 'little' girl. "I'll let you know that I'm a woman, not a little girl!" I yelled to sludge mass before I punched and sent a fire blast towards the sludge. It hit the sludge and made it released the boy, who passed out already. I quickly earth bended him behind me as I whipped out the small fan portion of my glider and sent a powerful gust of air towards him and causing the thing to splatter everywhere and get some of it on me.

"Gross!" I said in disgust as I shook off the sludge. Once that finished I turned my attention to the green-haired boy. I approached him and started to shake him to try and wake him up. "Heh! Kid! Wake up!" I repeatedly said as I shook the kid but he didn't wake up. The more I actually looked at him the more I thought that he actually looked cute. I tried shaking him one more time and I saw his eyes start to open. He then moved his eyes and looked at me and I smiled. "I thought I lost you there," I said as a stuck my hand out for him. He took it and almost as soon as he did his face grew red which looked cute. "T-t-thank y-you," the green-haired boy said as he bowed.

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