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Chapter ten.

To catch a traitor



I pace the starlit bridge, watching as SecCams black out around me and hearing alarms starting to wail.

"What's going on!?" I roar in Syldrathi at a nervous Tech advisor.

Sweat sheens on his brow, and he taps his foot on the floor repeatedly.

It's quite annoying.

"I-I..." He stutters.


"Someone has cut the cameras, Templar."


And I storm out of the room, fuming.


Black-clad warriors march alongside me as we head to level sixty-three.

I adjust the twin blades at my back, for fear that they will slip.

"Who do you think it is?" One guard whispers to another, thinking that they are out of earshot.

"Heard that Terran girl whom Kaliis likes has some sort of power."

"Power? What kind?"

"Telepathy, can move things with her mind."

One lets out a curse.

"If that is what we are up against-"

"Soldiers," I say, my voice cold "Speak ill of Aurora again and I'll flush you out the nearest Airlock."

A ripple of 'yes sir' and 'sorry sirs' run through the crowd.

I turn to my co-commander Lias, a man in his early hundreds, with dull grey hair and a scar running through one cheek.

"We will split up into two groups; yours and mine," I begin ,"My group will go into the brig, while your group stays by the door in case we are overpowered."

I had never liked the co-commander.

He simply nods, and the elevator gives off a little 'ping' to show that were here.

We file out, me in front, with the co-commander trailing behind me, and behind him is the eighteen Knights of Caersan.

Terrified Syldrathi part the hallways as we storm down the dark halls.

We reach the door to the brig, and everyone stops.

The co-commander stands next to me, and the rest of the knights file in front of me.

"Listen up!" I shout "Were going into a possible hostile situation. I want half of you to come with me, and half of you to stay with co-commander Lias."

I pause, giving time for my words to sink in to their minds.

"Unbroken." I finish.

"Unbroken." They murmur in response.

I signal for them to go, and they scramble into two groups.

"Let's go." I tell them, and half of our small group comes with me.

I sigh.

Please, don't let it be Aurora.

Don't let it be my Be'shmai.

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