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UZUME PRACTICED HER COMBAT while Katara and Toph got ready for battle. Katara filled her water pouches, Toph put on her wrist guards, and people had just finished putting Appa into his armor. All that was left was Sokka and Aang.

Uzume was practicing hand combat with Katara when the two boys finally joined them. Everyone was getting onto the ships when Uzume held back the group.

"Wait," Uzume held up her hands so she could say a few words to her new friends, "I just want to say thank you. For allowing me to grow as a person and set myself free from being an evil puppet. You guys mean everything to me." Katara let out an aw and hugged the girl, causing a chain reaction. Soon, all 5 of the kids were in a group hug.

"Now, let's end this war!" Uzume exclaimed. The 5 ships headed out to sea and soon, they were at the gates of Azulon

"There they are," Bato spoke, looking through a periscope, "The Great Gates of Azulon."

Katara looked around at the ocean, "I don't see any gates."

"Katara, you and the swamp benders whip up a fog cover."

"We'll sneak by those statues just like we sneaked by that fire navy blockade." Tho said.

Uzume gripped tightly on Toph's hand, nervous that the fog wouldn't work. A net started to raise from Azulon's sleeves.

"Keep it up, we're almost through." Hakoda commanded. Uzume's heart pounded when an alarm sounded. Smoke started to emit from the statues and the net caught on fire. Guards on jet skis began to advance on the ships. They all stared at the gates in shock while Hakoda jumped into action.

"Everyone below deck. Let's hope your invention works." Hakoda looked at Sokka with full confidence. Uzume helped usher the troops into the submarines Sokka had invented. Toph and Hakoda were the last people that needed to get in when she could hear the guards on deck. Uzume felt her heart sink as she stared down at the blind girl who paused her movement.

"Uzume? What's wrong? What's happening?" Toph panicked, not being able to see with her senses in the earth. Tears slipped from Uzume's eyes while she watched Toph panic, knowing what she had to do. She had to buy Tophand Hakoda  time to get in the submarines safely.

Hakoda looked at the girl with wide eyes, "They're almost in."

She placed her scarred hand on Toph's shoulder and pulled her into a hug, "Go with Hakoda. I'll be safe." Uzume shoved the two of them into the submarine and slammed the door shut. The submarine departed just as a guard busted down the door to the lower deck. The guard stared at the single person in the room in disbelief, then he smirked.

"Uzume, I never thought the next time I'd see you, you'd be with the enemy."

Uzume glared at the man in front of her as she whipped out her fans, "I, personally, thought the next time I saw you, you'd be with Ozai. What's wrong? Did you get demoted, dad?" She snarled at the firebender. Her father let out a humorless chuckle.

"I'm here because Azula knew you'd be here. I doubted her, but what do you know, a princess is always right," Her father got into a defensive firebending stance, "Now, I'm bringing you Azula." Uzume widened her own stance and into one Toph taught her.

"I'm not going without a fight."

Her father thrusted his fist out, sending a ball of fire to where Uzume stood. She spun out of the way quickly and balanced herself on one foot. She held both her fans out and motioned them in his direction, blowing him back into a wall. He threw more fire at her, to which she avoided by using her years of dance.

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