Part 6

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So after Izuku had that amazing thought, he decided he would keep all his soulmates to himself until that faithful day. That started the story but oh well and I case you were wondering yes, his thought about his dick and well you get it, we're in fact true. Anyway sho,mic,Jirou,Kiri,Kat and Mina all got to Izukus house and we're settling them self's in just like they were told to do by Izuku, but when they all finished it was pretty late so they all went to bed without dinner and boy will they be hungry when they wake up. ( in the next chapter in will show what Izukus house and everyone's respective room until someone else joins the deku bowl in which case their room sill be shown at the time in the story).

( in the morning)

the first person to wake up is Kirishima so he goes to the kitchen and starts working on the food to which he soon discovered needed help with doing so, but just his luck as soon as he got out the ingredients Jirou came walking in with the same intention to make breakfast, so in the end they mad it together.

there was something different for each person based on what the duo thought everyone would like, and even if they didn't know they would then just make pancakes. They mad pancacks for both Aizawa sensei and Mic sensei because they didn't know what their teachers have in the morning, the of course also mad Coffey for Aizawa sensei , then they made a fruit bowl for Kirishima and Mina, next they made some cerial for Bakugou and Jirou and a strawberry shake with apple slices for Izu. they were about to yell for the others whan the heard a BoOm coming from guess who's room, Bakugou's. They then heard a hole lot of running from Izu most likely. There was silence for a solid 5 minutes until they heard Izu's laughter along with Bakugou storming into the Kitchen with dust all over him. And if you ever saw Bakugou and were told that if you laugh you die you would all ready die.

Bakugou's hair was puffier then usual and he was visibly pouting. In just a few seconds after Bakugou came down stairs and into the kitchen Mr Aizawa, Mic sensei, Mina and a still laughing Izuku. The other must have been woken up by the loud bang or Izuku laughing but who knows.

Author-Chan does. STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL IZUKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok i only did it once tho? Just... shut up Izuku.

As soon as all 5 of them ( excluding Bakugou and Izuku ) properly took in how Bakugou looked the all started laughing at the poor dandelion, by this time Izuku had stoped Laughing and was putting a wet cloth on Bakugou's face to try and clean him up. Through out this hole experience no one bothered to ask why Bakugou caused an explosion. Until of course when Izuku noticed this and asked, ok that was funny and all but why did you set off an explosion? Everyone stoped laughing to here what Bakugou was about to say when they heard a small almost unheard voice said, i had a nightmare got scared went back to sleep but I couldn't which mad me irritated so I exploded my alarm clock after it went off, sorry if i woke you. He said, and i promise you that was the softest you would ever see Bakugou or more hear but still it was a once in life time situation so of course the teachers and student alike started filming ever since Bakugou started talking.

After Bakugou's small session he was back to his old boom boom boi self and of course threatened the others to delete that video which was stoped almost immediately by Izuku who said and i quote " please i just want all of my soulmates to get along so please kill each other in your own time and not in this house that will just be weird and NO and i mean NO constant death threats, I'm looking at you Kat" and that shut down the small game of cat and mouse they all had very quickly.

Hey Sho asked Izuku, ya he replied tiredly, what time is it? Izuku said in the sweetest tone of voice he could must which he made shore everone heard him. Aizawa slowly looked at his watch and said slowly 8;45. That was all Izuku needed to start yelling at his bottoms ( hehe imagine him having a lot of butts and he was yelling at them for something 🤣 ), IT'S 8;45 AND I AM THE ONLY ONE READY TO GET TO SCHOOL , FOR GODS SAKE YOU TWO ARE TEACHERS AND PRO HEROS WHO HAVE BEEN GOING TO THAT SCHOOL AT THE SAME TIME FOR WHO KNOW HOW LONG YET. YOU. ARE. STILL. LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That outburst got them running in different directions to their rooms to get changed and brush hair and teeth before their monster of a boyfriend finds them still in pj's.

( small time skip )

When everyone was downstairs Aizawa asked, are we all gonna teleport or something?, who has a big enough car that we can all fit? WHATTTTTTTTTTT screamed Mic, WHO IN THE HELL WOULD HAVE A CAR BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL 7 OF US????!?!?!!!!? Calm down Hiz cooed Izuku, we can just take several different cars or walk its not that far anyway. They all thought about that for a while until Izuku added, oh and by the way i will not be at school today and neither will Todoroki. Why said Shouto, because i have a meeting with the Todoroki family.. wel maybe not the family but Enji Todoroki and Shoto Todoroki. What are you saying? Said Bakugou and Jirou.  I'm saying I won't be riding with you to school today and wont be there with you until you guys get home.

Awwwwwwwwwww everyone said, fineeeeeeeeeeeeee. Good now go get in your cars and I will be off. Bye Izu, they all said sadly as they got in their own cars, BYEEEEEEE GUYSSSSSSS yelled Izuku well he was driver out the driveway.

When Izuku got closer to the Todorokis he was on the high way/ free way when a random thought popped up in his head, didn't i promise Jirou i would tell Shoto that i was his soulmate? Also what do the Todorokis want to talk about and why does it include me and Shoto?



Heyyyy guys i am not gonna explain why this took so long but anyway just hope you liked the long awaited chapter and wont come at me for not uploading😅

Byeeeeeeee myyyyy beautifulllllllllllll bitchesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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