Strawberries and Cigarettes

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Tobio's PoV

"Fuck it"

Liam followed me, struggling to keep up as I strode over to my car. It was parked behind the garage, tucked away so no one can see. Patting my back pocket and coming up bare, I then checked my jacket.


The keys glinted inside my car, catching the rays of sunset. Perfect. Just perfect. Liam had caught up, and looked at me, then back at me, a smile tugging on his lips. I remember how my James Bond reference made him laugh so I decide, fuck my masculinity.

Stretching one arm out and jumping up, I slide across the hood and execute a perfect landing. Just kidding, I overestimate the speed I needed and went tumbling off the edge and landed in a heap.

I got up, red faced and in pain to see Liam doubled over in laughter. He looks beautiful in the sunset. God I hope he's my mate.

He senses my stare, slowly stops, and comes towards me until he's right above me. A hand is extended. I take it, pulling myself up and holding on before a small shock, much like before, runs through both of us.

Liam then immediately let's go, blushing madly. I hop on the hood of my car, leaning back against the windshield. Eyes closed and hands jammed in pockets, I feel Liam climb up beside me. Our arms almost touching.

"...about before, I didn't mean to pull away from you, I'm sorry I made you feel like that."

I opened my eyes to see his reaction. Liam's eyes were trained on the sunset, a soft expression on his face.

"It's ok. I pulled back too. And you falling in a river kinda made up for it."

I laughed and nudged his side. He did it back and our legs touched. It felt... nice. We were silent, smiling, until Liam shivered. Not surprising considering he didn't bring a jacket.

Being the gentleman I am, I snuggled further into mine- nah that's mean. I took it off and it across both our laps. This makes him smile more and I'm left sat, staring at his lips, wondering what they taste like.

"I can see you, you know that right?"

Instead of looking away I whisper in his ear.

"Have you ever been kissed?" He shakes his head.

"Have you ever wanted to?" Liam nods his head, almost imperceptible. I growl softly in his ear.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to control myself?" At this his breath hitched and brown eyes met mine.

As soon as our eyes locked, Liam looked down. I frowned and lifted his chin with two fingers.

"Look at me."

He gazed upwards, almost nervous. I brought my lips to his cheek, giving it a feather-light kiss.

"I know you want to save your first kiss for your mate."

This was killing me. His scent was overwhelming, having mine on him made it better, but barely. My alpha instincts were growling at me to kiss him so hard he's begging for me. But I had to hold back. He's got to be turning 18 soon. I need to be his mate.

The thought of anyone else's scent on him made me growl softly. Liam looked up and buried his head on my shoulder. Fuck, I guess this is the most I'm getting. So quiet I almost missed it comes a small voice.

"Thank you."


Easton's PoV

Holy shit. Now there's some tension. Some might call it *enter hushed whispers* sexual.
Scratch that even a pup could sense that. Heh, I thought I smelt another scent on Tobio. They might be mates, that'd be cool. I could have Liam as a brother.

He's been kinda quiet since day 1, but once he got more comfortable around us, the more he spoke. Good thing too, the guys fucking hilarious.

I'm wandering 9th street, heading away from the pack house. Only problem is I have no idea where to go. A bright neon sign catches my eye. Heh, it's that donut shop we went to like a week ago. Damn now I'm hungry. I mess my hair up by running my hand through it and then try to pat it down, using the reflection as a mirror.

The bell on the door rings when I push it open, causing me to wince and duck my head down. There's 4 other people here.

Two guys and a girl. One who I think his name is Alec? Alexander? Something along those lines. He's sitting next to a girl with bright red hair, and a guy wearing a leather jacket. I caught a bit of their conversation:

"Okay, admit it, you guys fucked. Don't tell me I locked you in a closet and you didn't get some?"

It seems as though this was a sore spot for Alec- I'm going with that. Well not the only sore spot. He rolled his eyes and took a bite out of the other guys donut.

Yup, I probably look weird standing here. Hey! I know that wildly unkempt hair.

"Well here I am. What are your other two wishes?" His head shot up and a dark blush coated his cheeks.

"...hello Easton."

"Did you not like that one? Cause I have more! If you were a transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine...?"

Another unimpressed stare, but this time a hint of a smile. Yes!

"Boom! You smiled, my job is complete." I slid into the booth opposite him. He had a box of 3 donuts in front of him, one with a bite taken out.

"Take one if you want, I was meant to meet some friends but..."

"Hey they could still show up! But yes I will take a donut." Blue gave me a look that basically told me to fuck off- in the nicest way possible.

"Yes. They could just be stuck in the hour-and-a-half traffic we get. Nah, their not coming."

"Hey, more for us. And besides, I didn't know you had friends other than us!" A small chuckle escapes his lips at this. Adorable- wait what?!? Adorable in a totally friendship way of course. Heh...

It makes me kinda mad that these other 'friends' blew him off. But what makes me feel worse is the way Blue says it. It's like he expected this would happen. Well, time for some more bad pick up lines. This time I'm aiming for a full out smile.

"Fuck them. Anyway, I always thought happiness started with H, but mine starts with U."

"Uappiness? What the fuck dude?"
I think I felt my soul pass on.

This was how we spent the rest of the night. Well until the shop closed at 12. Making small talk and laughing. I wonder if my brothers having as good a time as us..?

I. Am. Officially. Dead.

This chapter took so long and the ending sucks. I wanted to make some Easton-Blue scenes but this was so hard. Also I've changed Blues name like 4 times. He was Raphael, then Blue, then Rayden. Like help.
-Emerys :3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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