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It was no secret that Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley had a rocky relationship with all of their neighbours. From the fights to the slaps that could be heard from down the hall in their apartment building. The fights would go on for hours and end with something glass smashing and Ron leaving the building with cuts in his hands and face.

The cycle would repeat itself every two to three days, Ron coming home to Hermione cooking dinner in the kitchen, him yelling at her if he saw a speck of dirt, then things would get physical. And the next thing you know Hermione is crying on the ground, the glass surrounding her as well as a pool of her blood watching her boyfriend walk out the door.

It was thought to be a never-ending cycle for everyone until a certain former Hufflepuff showed up to her rescue. Cedric Diggory had recently moved into the apartment across from them. At first, he just thought it was a movie they would watch until he was collecting his mail and saw Ron leave his apartment. Ron was usually careful with things like locking doors after he was done but he left it wide open by mistake. Curiosity got the best of Cedric that day and as he peered in, he was stunned at the sight before his own eyes.

He never thought anyone could treat a woman like that, but Hermione was crumpled up in a ball in the middle of the floor, the glass surrounding her with cuts and bruises everywhere. The young man rushed to the poor girl's aid, carefully picking her up and carrying her into his apartment. Gently laid her down on the couch and started performing medical spells.

After a few hours, the petite girl gained consciousness she groggily sat up to see Cedric holding two cups of what appeared to be hot chocolate. Graciously she took the mug of the hot liquid, lightly sipping at it. Cedric stared intently at the petite girl in front of him. "You need to leave him, Hermione." He stated plainly.

Hermione choked on the hot chocolate that was in her mouth at his straightforwardness. "Well it's nice to see you too Cedric but it's not that easy. I can't leave him, I need him and he needs me." Hermione answered the statement with a little hint of sarcasm at the start after not seeing her old schoolmate in god knows how many years.

The golden-haired boy couldn't believe his ears 'she needs him... No, he wants her to think that he wants her that's not the same.' The confused boy thought Hermione was smarter than that to stay in a toxic and abusive relationship, but obviously, he was wrong. "No you don't need him, Hermione, he is abusive! You don't need anyone abusive including him. God, I thought you were smarter than that."

There was a long pause before the young woman spoke. "How do I leave him Ced? He's been in my life for so long. I can't just cut him out... How did you do it, Cedric? How did you just leave, not thinking back thinking maybe she might have changed if you helped her? Not reminiscing on her? Just leaving without any help. Because I know you did that by yourself, you barely spoke to Scott or any of your other friends that year. How do you just stop loving them?" Cedric was a bit taken back with Hermione's speech as well as bringing Cho into the mix but he replied nonetheless.

"I got some advice years ago from a family friend, he told me to take caution when it comes to love, I tried, I truly did. But falling out of love is hard and falling for betrayal is fatal. When it first ends it asphyxiating, it's as though they could say anything about you and people would treat it as gospel.  The thought of having a successful future outside of your toxic relationship is what gets you out. I'm giving you a choice, you could either stay in this abusive shithole or you could collect your stuff now and we can leave, let your friends and family figure it out. Wait until the ten-year reunion because it was his mistake to treat anyone like that, especially you above all people!" By the end of Cedric's speech, Hermione was sure that she would leave to god knows where with the golden boy.

So Hermione packed all of her things as Cedric packed his. 

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