Well Hello, Charles

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With some conversation on the way back to the twins' shop the topic of Charlie Weasley came up and the fact that he was also staying with the twins but he was arriving tomorrow so that gave the small family time to settle in. It was getting closer to dinner time and Cedric and Hermione said their goodbyes to the twins, as they were going to have dinner with the rest of their family. With the little ones in bed the married couple decided to watch a movie on the tv that the boys' had in their flat.

The couple fell asleep when the clock was nearing midnight and the older twins still weren't back yet so they assumed that they would be staying with their girlfriends places tonight. Hermione was woken by a light shining in her eyes, she looked around seeing her husband resting his head on the side of the couch then looked up at the time and saw that it was 6:00am sharp. The light moved and the witch assumed it was a wand, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes her took a better look at the man in front of her.

The tired witch took in his features red hair, but he was to short to be either of the twins or Bill, the next thing she looked at was the wand she took notice that it wasn't Ron so she came to conclusion that it was the one and only Charlie Weasley. Tiredly climbing off the couch and heading towards the kitchen she vaguely mumbled. "Coffee?" but was met with a shake of the head from the seconded oldest Weasley.

"Who are you? and why are you here?" Hermione looked down at herself and realised he probably remembered her as the know it all, bushy haired bookworm he had met when she was fourteen. She just smiled to herself as she remembered how far she had come. Her thoughts were interrupted by a cough Hermione just grinned and made him a coffee even though he declined, remembering the way he liked it from when he asked her to make him a coffee after the quidditch match they went to.

"Well hello, Charles what a pleasant surprise with you waking me up before 8:00am. I wouldn't expect you to know who I am or why I am here but don't worry your pretty, little head about it. I'll give you one clue and one guess". Charlie nodded in understanding while taking the coffee cup from the brunette's hands. He took a sip while maintaining eye contact with the beautiful girl.

"Your first and only clue I saved the wizarding world with your brother and Harry". Hermione smirked as she took a sip while Charlie choked on his hot drink. He just stared at the young girl in surprise, amazed that the nerdy bookworm turned into the beautiful woman that was in front of him. It kind of reminded him of a story his father would tell him and his brother when they were small children, if he remembered correctly the story was the tale of the ugly duck or something along those lines.

"Hermione?" Charlie still wasn't 100% sure so it came out as if it was a question but when the young woman nodded her head he placed the mug down and walked over to embrace the witch, that he hadn't seen in over a decade, with a hug. Hermione gently placed her mug on the bench and wrapped her arms around the dragon tamer's waist. Charlie mumbled some incoherent words into her hair. Eventually they unwrapped their arms and sat down drinking their drinks while talking about what has happened over the years since they had seen each other last. Charlie was so disappointed in Ron after Hermione had finished her story. He gave her a small smile and rubbed the back of her hand gently as if to say he was sorry. Charlie was never good with words but his gestures spoke so much more.

After a few hours of talking they heard a groan coming from the living room couch and Hermione just giggled at the confused face Charlie was making and mouthed 'Cedric' and he started laughing quietly. A few minutes later they heard a small voice calling out mummy Hermione just stood up and Charlie followed behind her. Hermione stepped into the guest room and picked up her eldest child. "Harry, say hi to uncle Char. He's the one who works with the dragons". The small boy's ears perked up at the word dragons and started to ask all about Charlie's job.

Cedric and Alicia woke up around the same time to the sound of laughter. They both went to investigate the noise to find five people sitting at the dining table laughing their asses off. Cedric vaguely recognised the new red head. There was a sudden light bulb going off above his head. Cedric realized that it was Charlie Weasley. "Cedric come say good morning to Charles" Hermione called from her seat while looking at her husband. Cedric said his good mornings and went in to shake Charlies hand but was surprised when Charlie leaned in and aggressively spoke into his ear. " I don't care if you've been married for years if you hurt her I will personally kill you as well as Fred and George, got it?" All Cedric could muster up was a slight nod and with that he received a pat on the back.


I'm going to try to update daily if possible

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