The Twins

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The next morning was just as usual; Cedric dropping off the twins to their playdates on his way to work and Hermione doing paperwork and designs. The couple informed their children that they were going to go to the ten-year reunion that morning now all that was left was to pack and leave which would be happening in two days.
Time Skip

Finally, it was Monday so the family of four packed their bags and apparated to Hogsmede where they would be meeting up with Fred and George Weasley so they could get settled in since they would be staying with them until their reunion was over. The family appeared with a loud snap startling the two redheads that were waiting for them. But once the twins had gained their senses they rushed to hug the family with George hugging Harry and Alicia and Fred hugging Mione while whispering into her right ear softly.

"We missed you Mione...we all have but I have the most". After their little exchange, the two Weasleys changed who they were greeting. George had a cheeky grin on his face as he stepped towards his dearly missed friend. Hermione knew she was in for it since she had slowly decreased the owls she was sending instead of her daily chats with the older twin. 

The short woman cautiously stepped back as George began to come closer with his arms out and making grabbing motions. George knew Hermione didn't like being spun around so he knew her punishment for not telling him about all of her latest designs. George took two large steps and picked up the light woman and spun her around until they both became nauseous. Both burst into fits of giggles as they hugged each other. 

George whispered into Hermione's left ear and softly spoke, " that's what you get for ignoring me, Granger". 

George took a step back waiting for her sassy comment as she would usually give and he was not disappointed when she replied with, " It's actually Diggory now Weasley, as you would know to cause the last time I checked you were one of the guests." 

Cedric smiled upon the scene of his wife reconnecting with two of her friends he couldn't wait to see her glowing with happiness when she gets to see Harry and the rest of their friends. Cedric was interrupted by both of the redheads holding out their hands for him to shake, which he took gracefully.

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