Hello! I hope everyone is doing okay and is staying safe! I won't talk much right now so.... enjoy this new chapter!


Nala POV

~2 years later~
~Nala is 10 years old~

I've been in this place for 2 years now. I still have yet to find alive humans but I did recently find bones of long dead people. So I think I may be getting closer to finding people and not have to talk to myself or the animals around me.

But in this time of searching I've also been training both as a human and as a dragon. I still have my moms sword so I train using a sword and how to also hunt and attack as a dragon.

But I've also had a few accidents... those huge human like creatures have tried to kill me or even eat me so many times its pitiful. One did hit me out of the air when I was not fast enough to fly away but I ended up killing it when it brought me up to its mouth and I flaired my wings and ended up cutting its fingers and was able to make it out of its grasp. When I got out if its grasp I jumped to its shoulders as bit downward on the back of its neck then it just fell over and turned into steam. It was so weird! But I'm glad I was not to hurt by this and I found out my wings are pretty sharp along the front edge of them. So in turn I also trained on how to fight these human like monsters and found the easiest way to kill them is their necks. But you have to move fast and be exact with your attack because they heal freaking fast!

But other than training and hunting and killing those things I've also had fun too! I would race wild horses and not only was it fun it helped me with running faster and for longer periods of time so I dont hafe to rely on only my wings! But in doing so I found out I've grown as well! I'm almost as big as a full grown horse! I'm not a tiny fry anymore!

I've also flown with flocks of birds and even hawks! Well more like the hawks were trying to get away from me before I ate them.... it was still fun though! And helped me with flying faster and ariel assault!

Also I would swim in lakes and rivers and that was a good when I just wanted to relax or you know... be lazy... but it almost always got intrupted by a predator looking for a easy mean then I turn into a dragon to scare it off or a giant human trying to eat me! Sigh...

But in all this time and stuff I've been doing in 2 years... I have not forgotten about my mom and dad. Or what they told me. But I need to know where I am first because in all my travels I have not seen or smelt anything that even remotely smells or looks like home. My dad also said I would learn a new power as time goes on but I have yet to see that. Double sigh...

But anyway enough about what I've done! Lets get to the present!

Sitting on a large tree branch looking to the sky with my legs dangling off the side. "It looks like its going to storm soon..." I tell myself as the dark clouds loom overhead.

"I guess I'm going to have to travel tomorrow to try and find human  civilization..." I pull myself up onto the branch so I'm standing my long white hair almost reaching my butt as I do so.

"Hm... I should cut my hair soon before it becomes a problem..." I say as I run my fingers through it and walk to the end of my branch.

"But for now... time to fly!" I giggle as I throw myself off the branch and shift mid air and open my wings just in time so I don't hit the ground.

"That will never get old!" I laugh. But I quickly stop as I hear thunder and it starts to rain. "Well freak you too sky!" I growl as I land on a low tree branch not waning to get struck by lightning.

But as I land I hear something in the distance. It sounds like horses and a gaint human but also..... the screams of people!

I take off flying not caring about lighting anymore as I dodge trees and branches as I come along humans flying around in the trees and on horses fighting the gaint human! But it looks like I was to late because just as I was about to fly down there they kill it but.... the people lost alot just to kill a few gaints. I see body parts on the ground and in the trees and they try to get as many survivors as they can and help the wounded. After that I watch them leave the horrific scene of blood and death.

Once they left I land in the middle of the disaster and look around and it looks like they got most of their dead and took them too.

I walk near a titan that is producing steam as it decays rapidly and my ear twitches.

"I thought they got all of the survivors?" I say as I hear a heart beat and I walk around trying to find where it is coming from.

"No way!" I say looking at the gaints stomach. "Someone is still alive in its stomach!" I yell going wide eyed as I take my rather large claws and cut my way though to its stomach. I'm so glad I'm not squeamish. I think to myself as blood splashes on me as coats my head as I stick my head into the hold I made and use my hearing to guide me.

"Found you." I bite the shirt of the person who is still alive and drag him out and lay him down.

"You don't look so good there." I say shifting and start to see how badly injured he is.

"WHAT THE-!" I say harshly as I see that his right arm from his elbow down is missing and bleeding.

I look around and grab a wire from one of those busted contraptions they was using to fly around and tie it half way up the rest of his arm.

"You will thank me later for this." I say tighting the wire to slow down the blood flow and cut up some fabric and cover the actual wound for now and any other cuts that he is bleeding from. Which was alot....

"He is breathing and his pulse is not weak. But its not strong either. But he should survive if I get him back to the others. But this is the best I can do for now." I say shifting back to a dragon and I look around seeing a dead horse but the saddle looks usable. "It will have to do." I quickly put it on my back and buckle it on in between my shoulders and wings.

"Now to get you on and make sure you don't fall off." I say lifting him up by biting his shirt and slowly setting him on the saddle. Once at a point I am satisfied he won't get hurt riding I tie his legs to the saddle and have him lean forward onto my neck slightly as I tie another wire under his arms and around my neck so he stays there against me.

I walk first making sure its not to bad or to tight and I open my wings and fly in the direction the others left in.

So what do you think? I am trying to make longer chapters but I only got to 1314 words in this chapter. Sigh. I can only try lol.




And can you guess whats going to happen next?

Until next time folks!


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