Chapter Two ~

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So...I'm an awful person and a terrrible updater. I know. Trust me. Yeah, um, in case you guys didn't catch on that whole schpiel I gave about writing this in like a month? Total lie. I didn't mean to lie. But I had horrible writers' block when it came to this story suddenly.

Anyways, Merry Christmas (to those who celebrate it) and Happy New Year! Gosh, felt like it would never come! Maybe that's just me, though...

Without further ado (or more babbling from yours truly) I present my beautiful readers with the second chapter of Little Red Wolf.

P.S Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Chapter Two ~



 Rebecca leaned against the counter that framed the sink, peering into the mirror with her yellowed eyes. She could feel her pulse racing from where her wrist was pressed against her hip.

Her mind was racing as well.  Two words were repeating over and over, like a broken record in her head. Not again. Not again. Not again. They weren’t even fully formed sentences, just the two words that Rebecca couldn’t stop thinking as she looked at herself in the mirror.

The glowing eyes had haunted her dreams for years. The only brief time when the eyes had disappeared had been a relief.

Except that the mental reprieve had resulted in disaster.  A disaster so horrific that Rebecca couldn’t recall many details of the even.t Smoke, fire, shattered glass, and the distinct roars of men who’d been emotionally wounded were all she could recall.

Rebecca didn’t want a repeat of either. She didn’t want to have to deal with the eyes. She’d thought they’d disappeared for good, and now that they were back, she was terrified. She didn’t know what was going to happen this time. Were they going to stay and haunt her? Would they only show up when the hunger became too much, gnawing at her belly and her mind like an itch that couldn’t be scratch or a thirst that was never sated? Perhaps the eyes would only be terrible when she was alone in the evenings. Or maybe they’d make a reappearance at school?

 Rebecca wasn’t sure of anything. Not with the eyes back. She was scared, to say the least.

 Not again. Please, not this again. I don’t want to go through this again.

“Rebecca?” There was a timid knock on the door and Rebecca recognized Archer’s voice. It startled her at first, leaving her gaping at the reflection of the door. What startled her more than Archer’s concern was the fact that he hadn’t called her Red.

“What?” Rebecca finally asked, heaving out a sigh.

 “Are you alright? You ran away pretty quickly,” Archer noted. The doorknob rattled as Archer tried to enter. “Can I come in?”

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