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Disclaimer:  Read at your own risk!

POV - Dean Shade

The freezing cold shackles continued to bite into the flesh of my wrist and ankles. I could feel the skin peeling off from my bones. The world around me was dull and filled with pain. Blood splattered the barren walls and stone floor beneath me, my own blood. A bright light filled the hall beyond the small opening within the iron door. The thick bars snuffed out most of the light that filtered in. Like a ghost of a whisper I could hear thick soles of boots making their way down the corridor. Their clacking against the cobblestone floors gradually became louder in a slow and easy manner. My skin began to crawl with anticipation. Tears ran down my face as the clacking stopped just in front of my door. A shadow pooled into the room exhausting the small amount of light that had just filled the room.

I heard the harsh click of the bolted lock sliding out of place. I began to thrash around in the chains. I could feel the animosity coming off in waves from the one who now stood with a torch in hand. The very man who had locked me in this room from the very moment I was born. The Alpha, the air dropped as I desperately trashed in the chains in an attempt to get away. The chains only allowed me half an inch of mobility. Tears streamed down my face as I watched in horror as Alpha Sean Waters placed the torch in a holder mounted on the wall. He closed the door behind him as he began to hum to himself.

"Dean, Dean, Dean...... you've caused trouble again. That's what I've heard at least. I'll give you one chance to explain yourself." My eyes widened at this ridiculous accusation. "W-wh-wha-...... w-" I began to whimper knowing far to well that I couldn't give an answer. I was never taught to speak. I've tried many times to mimic their words but to no avail. He looked at me from across the room. Letting out a sigh of exasperation he began to take off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. Out of pure fear my eyes became blurry do to the overflow of tears streaming down my face. I shook my head as I began to pull harder on my already too tight shackles. The was a undesirable electrifying shock of pain as I felt my wrist snap. I- I broke it! I bit back my screams, Alpha Sean locked at me with discuss. "You're such an eyesore, do you want to know what I heard? My lovely mate Karen said that while she was doing her daily routine you looked at her with lust. YOU LOOKED AT MY MATE WITH LUST!" He began to shout, he walked over to the furnace in the corner of the room. A bright ball of fire formed in his hand. Once he swung the door open he threw the ball of fire into the coal. Instantly the flames burned even brighter I could feel the intense heat lick my bare chest. What!? No! No! No! I never did anything like that! I looked at the floor the whole time she was in here! I've never made eye contact! I SWEAR! I knew it was futile my thoughts would never reach him.

My breathing became erratic I began to beg and plead with my eyes. It seemed to have the opposite effect he grabbed the poker with determination.  He placed it into the fire he stared at me in my eyes. My old scars began to ache. My whimpers grew in volume into struggling gasps and cries. I completely forgot about the broken wrist and began to pull harder trying to escape inedible pain. I could feel the other omegas wrestling in the chain. Trying their hardest not to hear what was about to happen to me. They didn't get punishments as harsh as the ones I get. Despite us all 5 of us being omegas they look down on me too.

Alpha Sean took my desperation as a challenge. "Look at what I have hear not only do I have a disrespectful wretched bastard, but I have a lying whore. You think you can look at anyone you want with those cursed eyes of yours. Well I have news for you." His voice got lower and lower with anger. He roughly pulled the poker out of the furnace and stalked over to me with a new found purpose. "Let's fix that then huh?" He leveled the now glowing bright red poker in front of my right eye. The heat evaporated the tears as my eye widened. He smiled wickedly at me me as he slowly pushed forward. I let out a blood curdling scream as I thrashed about. I could feel the white hot melt puncture every single layer of my eye ball. PLEASE DON'T! NOOOOOOOO STOP PLEASE IT HURTS! PLEASE!  My screams grew until no sound could be heard. The only thing that I could feel was agonizing pain. He ripped the poker out and plunged it straight into the other the last thing I saw was his wicked smile that reached his eyes I could tell that he was brimming with pleasure. My world way now painted black.

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