☽ 𝟮𝟳 : 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘇𝘆 ☾

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11:34 am

"You look pale." Prince muttered nervously beside me with a worried tone lacing his normally cheery voice, while I was too busy drawing doddles off random things onto my rough notebook to display my anxiety on a piece of paper, feeling my foot tap into the ground repeatedly over and over again in a past pace, before sighing out loud and debating on whether to just slap someone with my eraser.

"I'm peachy bro." I whispered assuringly with a bitter smile and a semi-clenched jaw because of my anxiety, fully concentrated on my Pizza Hut logo to make sure I can draw the toppings to perfection, making him properly place his elbow right beside me to inspect me in the busy classroom, possibly trying to read my mind at this point because I was obviously not peachy at all.

"You know, it's totally okay to be nervous about today. I would be shitting my pants if I were you to imagine being in a place like that." He sighed in comfort while planting his forehead in the wooden desk, making me scrunch my nose with overflowing thoughts in my head, seeking some kind of magical potion appearing from Harry Potter that can possibly be the best painkiller ever, before using my eraser to correct a despicable mistake to my adorable doodle.

If anything, I really want to be distracted right now. I'm not even much worried about the marking that's supposed to happen today, I'm more worried about my gut feeling. Something absolutely absurd was going to happen in school, and it was eating it up. I tried to ask the teachers if there are any surprise guests coming in or not, and I was contemplating on whether to go back to the hotel with Prince for today. But I can conclude that whatever shit is going to happen today, it's not related to Illusion.

It's related to something so stupid that it might actually make me loose some brain cells, and I don't know what the hell is supposed to happen. I just decided that I will not move out of classroom, and even texted Zalius about it just in case to be logical and smart in this case, and it was honestly bothering my mood. Even though people were not being that toxic, you would always find that one group of students who would never change, so I'm debating on whether this shitty incident that's impending is supposed to happen from the annoying rich kids, or it has to do with bragging brats.

Meanwhile not telling this to anyone since it is not a very threatening case, Prince is concluding that I'm scared as shit because of the moon ceremony tonight. Ren decided to stay home today because it was even a huge day for him too because it was literally related to the moon, and werewolves of course worship the Moon Goddess, who is apparently like a different version of me as explained by Liam, but oh well, all I know is I am Mother Earth, then comes a full stop.

"Nervous? I'm not nervous at all dude, lookie my face, it's so relaxed. What the heck are you even saying bruh? I will absolutely not pee my pants and wear diapers for real. I'm not anxious, nope, not in any way." I scoffed sarcastically while vigorously making the tip of my pencil suffer by applying pressure on my book to which it broke, as he rolled his eyes at my words and actions altogether because of how stupid I sounded with my fake realistic face.

"But come on, today's a big day for all of us. All new mates and creatures who have recently started their bond have to go through the same thing, many people are going to be marked today, and people will be turned because of the moon being in full power. It will be fine." He comforted nicely while patting my shoulder, not making it any better for me because I probably am the moon power and everyone will be craving it, even though most of power energy will be passed onto him, but it's just confusing for some reason.

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