Hiccups and Terror

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JNPR, Crimson, Lily, and Rex are with Team RWBY in their dorm room. All of them are staring at Rex as they sit in a circle. Lilly is sitting next to him with a hand on his shoulder. Lilly convinced Rex to tell them a little about where He and Anakin are from. He's still just glad she accepted the truth when he told her a little bit back, but he fears for what the others will think.

They all look at each other before Weiss speaks up. "Where do those symbols come from?"

"The same place Anakin and I came from." Rex states with a sigh.

"Okay, and where is that?" Pyrrha asks.

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." This seemed to get the gears in their heads turning. Yang looks skeptical, Blake looks intrigued, Crimson looks as if he finally found something he was looking for, Ruby looks excited (Probably because she was their to hear our conversation with Ozpin about this.), and Weiss looks confused. "To keep it brief, it's a big galaxy where entire planets are the equivalent to one of your kingdoms." From there He briefly explained his past from the Clone training to the Clone Wars, to the rise of the Empire(Leaving some things about Anakin out), and finally the Galactic Civil War. Along the way, a few tears escaped from Ruby and Pyrrha.

"So," Crimson says. "A Sith is here?"

"Yes. Dooku is one of them, but this is not something that he would do. This is someone new."

After answering a few more questions they decided to gear up, find Anakin, and investigate this Sith. Crimson, Lilly and Rex got to the room to notice Anakin's hand built wardrobe shaking. They all look to each other and nod as they grab their weapons. Rex opens it and see something he never saw coming. It was R2! Though he looked as if he was still being built. Panels missing and his body still silver.

"R2?!" Rex asks in shock as R2 beeps happily in response.

"Wait R2?" Crimson asks looking down at the droid. "As in the R2 from your home?"

"Yeah!" Rex answers him before turning back to his old friend. "R2, how did you get here, and where's Anakin?"

The little droid gives a series of beeps in response. "So Anakin went for a hike?" Rex asks before realizing that the droid answered my other question. "Wait Anakin built you?!" It beeps happily in response spinning around with his wheels. "I'll ask later. Do you think you could send him a message?" The droid beeps dejectedly but follows up with suggestion beeps. "So you can track him? Well what are we waiting for? Let's get him and meet up with the others."

The trio follow this droid to Vale. They told the other teams to hold off on finding the Sith. Rex said that we will need Anakin's help if we want to stop this Sith. The droid told Rex that it wasn't able to get in contact with Anakin but could track him. Eventually they are lead to the CCT and the droid beeps.

"Well this is it." Rex says. "He's just inside." They all get ready to walk in but stop when Crimson halts. The others follow his gaze to find Penny. She looked troubled. Crimson decided to walk over with Rex, R2, and Lilly in tow.

"Hey Penny. It's been a bit." She jumped a little to his voice but turned to face him.

"I'm sorry you must be mistaking me for someone else." She says. A second later she hiccups.

"Welp, theirs her tell." Rex chuckles. She looks down in shame at being caught so quickly. "Don't worry to much about it. We all have one. Crimson here subtly scratches his nose, Anakin looks away or scratches the back of his neck, and Lilly fidgets with her fingers."

Crimson and Lilly scowl at Rex but he brushes it off. "So what are you doing here?"

Penny looks around suspiciously before looking at Rex. "I'm sorry, it's not safe to talk here." She whispers.

RWBY and JNPR find themselves sitting in the library. Weiss, Pyrrha, Blake and Juane are sitting at terminals trying to get more information on the White Fang. Ruby and Blake explained that Count Dooku had been working with the Fang, so they thought that they could fine a clue on the Sith. Of course they would need to get Rex's insight on anything they find to determine who they were dealing with, but that didn't stop them from getting the info before hand. Ruby, Ren, Nora, and Yang just sit at a nearby table talking among themselves.

"So..." Yang starts. "Are we going to talk about Rex's... story?" Nora and Ren share a look, but Ruby frowns.

"You don't believe him?" She asks.

"Ruby," Yang starts. "He said that he died, and that he's a 50 to 60 year old space man soldier."


"If I may." Ren interrupts. "I believe he was telling the truth."

"Wait, really? You believed him." Yang asks in shock.

"Yes. I believe him because of some things he tends to do, say, or have. When one would usually say swears he says Kriff, or Bantha fodder. The way he always seems to be watching his surroundings, studying them. Then there's the fact that the weapons him and Anakin have are way more advanced than any weapons we have. Not to mention the robotic limb Anakin has."

Yang, Ruby, and Nora just stare at Ren, shocked that he remembered all of that.

"What?" Ren says.

Rex and Lilly stay behind at the CCT to get Anakin while Crimson begins to follow Penny. R2 looks in that direction and whistles sadly catching Rex and Lilly's attention, but the latter doesn't say anything. Once the trio walks in they follow the little astromech to the source.

"Well, were to now little buddy?" Rex asks. The droid beeps in response before opening a hatch for a small hand to come out and point up. Rex looks up to see nothing but ceiling. "So we're going up a floor of two?" Rex asks earning a beep of approval. "Well let's go." Back with Crimson and Penny, the two walk through the streets of Vale.

"So what happened after what happened at the docks? Ruby was really upset." Crimson says.

"Oh no." Penny says covering her face in her hands in shame. "I didn't mean to make friend Ruby sad." Crimson places his hand on Penny's shoulder to somewhat comfort her.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you Penny. You just have to talk to her." Crimson explains.

"How do I do that though? My Father and Mr. Ironwood don't want me talking to that many people."

"Well, you are your own person Penny. Even if your body is metal-" Penny backs away from Crimson a bit staring at him in shock.

"How?" She asks. "How did you find out?"

"I knew when we first met." Crimson explains. "Anakin knows as well but we haven't said anything to the others."

"And even after, you still believe I'm a person?" Penny asks.

"Yes." Crimson says calmly. "Have I told you about my semblance?"

"No, you haven't."

"Well my semblance allows me to resurrect the dead as puppets that fight for me. When I do that to Grimm, there is no soul so they are always easy to control. You see when I met you I knew you were a real person because you have a soul. I've seen it. My semblance allows me to see the souls of every living thing. It's how my semblance knows when a person is alive or not. You Penny, have a soul. That means that your just as alive as I am."

Penny, upon hearing the speech started to cry. Though the tears themselves aren't real, the feeling they represent are. She quickly brings Crimson into a hug, not realizing that she is practically crushing him.

"Pe-nny, Can't... breath!"  She quickly loosens her grip so the poor man can breath, and Crimson returns her hug. Rubbing circles on her back while she cried into his shoulder. Penny was so happy, but sad, and confused at the same time. She was being treated like a person by someone who isn't her father, and knows what she is. She is happy to be treated like a person, and not a weapon for war.

Back at the CCT Rex, Lilly and R2 make it to the third floor only to find a pitch black room and a few body's of guards scattered. The of thing was that the room was silent. Not just quiet, but the fact that all sound in this room seemed to have stopped. Looking around Rex spots a device on the ground pulsating. Thinking quickly he shoots the device, and all sound returns. That's when they heard it.

"Kuuuuuuuuhhhh Ssssssshhhhhhhh"

That mechanical breathing.

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