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Most of Team SCRL was sitting in the cafeteria with team JNPR and RWBY. Lilly hadn't got there yet, but Crimson was sitting between Ren and Anakin while Rex was on the other side of the table next to Blake. They were mainly just laughing and having a good time. Jaune had become much happier after Pyrrha and Anakin hat talked to him the day before, and agreed to help him. Tomorrow they were going on a trip to Forever Fall forest.

"-and then I said 'now that's a katana'." Nora joked. Everyone laughed. Once it died down Crimson began thinking about back home. Unfortunately his thought turned to when that Grimm destroyed it.

"You okay?" Ren asks pulling him from his thoughts.

"Yeah..." He started. "Just thinking about home." He says with a somber tone.

"Well where are you from?" Pyrrha asks likely hoping to cheer me up.

"A village in Anima called Kuroyuri..." Crimson answers. He notices Ren and Nora stiffen at that name. The mood went down fast.

"You were there too?" Ren starts. "When it came?"


Nora and Ren exchange looks of sympathy before looking to him.

"How did you escape?" Nora blurts out earning a glare from Ren. "Sorry, you don't have to answer."

Crimson thought for a moment before speaking. "It's fine. I'll tell you, if you tell me how you and Ren escaped." Ren looks to Nora and they silently agreed by giving him a nod.

"I was was being carried down the street by my dad. Running from the Grimm destroying our home. My father was leading me to the exit with his sword in hand however a enlightened Grimm hand slammed him to the ground. I remember him looking up at me shoving his sword over to me."

"'RUN!!!!' He said"

"At his words I grabbed his sword and ran. It was a one handed short sword dawning a bronze blade and red hilt. I got to the gates only to see a Beowolf. I charged while it was distracted with the body of a town guard. I stabbed it as it roared in pain, and it fell its body began disintegrating. That's when I heard it the beast that claimed my father, my mother, and my home. Out of anger I unlocked my semblance that day."

"The body of the town guard stood up alongside the Beowolf I killed which stopped disintegrating. They both stood before me fending off the Monster as I continued to run. Funny isn't it? The death of my father and mother drove me to unlock my semblance. A semblance to control the body's of the dead like puppets. Guess that makes me a Puppet Master."

After his story everyone was silent at the table for a bit until Jaune broke the silence with a question. "Is that why that Deathstalker helped us back during initiation?"

"Yup," Crimson starts. "My semblance has the ability to control anything dead, though it's much easier when I'm the one who killed them. One thing I learned is that if I use it quick enough on a person when they die, they will be able to live for a few more seconds. Like there soul stays a little longer allowing a chance to give a few extra final word's. Ultimately though my ability will never bring the dead back completely."

After telling them about his semblance, Lilly finally got to the table taking a seat next to Rex a big smile on her face.

"Oh hey Lil, finally joining your boyfriend I see." Yang teases earning flustered glares from Rex and Lilly. To which she gives a wink.

Anakin ponders Yangs statement. Now that I think about it has either one made a move yet? It's obvious they like each other. Then again something dose seem to be holding Rex back. He talks in his sleep, talking about brother's, some set of numbers, and two people named Fives and Echo. Every time he has those nightmares they all lead to one name...


If he can get passed that I'm sure Lilly will jump into his arms in a heartbeat... literally and figuratively. I mean she helps him with his studies and homework. She always claims she's just being friendly, but I know different. I've seen people that love someone, experienced it, but unfortunately I lost my love it's how I found out about giving final words to the dead. Maybe I can do something to help them find there's before something bad happens.

After Yangs tease towards Rex about Lilly everyone went back to laughing, talking, and making jokes. After a bit Weiss mentioned that Vale was setting up for the Vytal Festival.

"Yup and we're heading down to Vale to see the city prepare." Ruby says cheerfully. This sounded like a good excuse to see more of Vale in Anakins mind. The team has been there twice but that's been it so far. They haven't really had an excuse to go there for a bit.

"Hey Ruby do you mind if me and my team tagged along with you?" Anakin asks.

"Not at all!" She cheers. "It would be awesome, right team?" She asks as she looks to her team.

"I suppose it could be fun." Ice Queen says with a smirk.

"Yeah, It would be awesome!" Yang exclaims slamming her fist into her hand excitedly.

"It would be lovely." Blake says with a soft smile.

Anakin then looks to his team. "What about you guy's? You in?" He asks with a smirk.

"Only if she wants to go." Rex says turning to Lilly with a hopeful look. Rex just tell her already man.

"Of course!" She starts excitedly. "We've been in Beacon for a while now and we've only gone to Vale twice." She finishes with more excitement.

"Well I'm not going." Everyone looks to Crimson when he says that. "Don't worry about me, go have some fun."

Well I guess tomorrow has been figured out. Anakin thought.

Anakin and his adventures in Remnant: A RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now